Judgement dispel

Nerfed to the ground.

I just got no words at this point.

Kinda disagree here. Judgement of the pure was toxic and frustrating before the rework as well. It was just something that people were “okay” with because rets could die. Now they are not viable kill targets, which is SUPER cancer with their design (sanc/sac on teammates).

Ret paladin utility makes it so you have to focus them over their teammates. This is increasingly prevalent because of the threat of their damage which is higher in both burst and sustain and more consistent than before with less counterplay (it passively stacks and doesnt have 4+ globals of telegraphed ramp up time).

ALL of this is problematic because of how surviveable they are now with instant flash, wall, AND sov on a 1 minute cd with bop/bubble/spellwarding on top of that as get out of jail cards.

The fact of the matter is, you could actually take away every single ret paladin honor talent (NOT suggesting they do this) and the spec would be S tier still because of its numeric tuning. Its damage and tankiness on one-minute cds as well as damage outside of CDs is just objectively above other classes.


They went from playing the next expansion, to being DH at the start of DF.

And they are still complaining. The Ret discord channel is INSANE. I don’t get it. Do you just want all ret games? You guys are taking up 38% of the queues above 2100 in 3s right now.

Has nothing to do with any of that man.

It’s just wildly frustrating having to listen to objectively bad players (no flame but it’s just the truth) like yourself talk about how they think the game should or shouldn’t be when you don’t understand it well enough to even have an opinion to begin with.

You don’t even understand why Judgement of the Pure makes no sense. You’re just bad and want your spec to feel gross so you complain about something that is antiquated being adjusted for how it now interacts with the game.

Like I wouldn’t walk in to a masters python class and proclaim why I think how you call functions in python is stupid when I don’t know enough about Python in the first place to understand why it’s done that way. I wouldn’t presume to have an opinion at all.

It’s perfectly ok to not know the game well / be particularly good at it. It’s the having an opinion on things you haven’t earned the right to have an opinion on that gets super old super quick.

Run your mouth all you want it really doesn’t make a difference. How you feel about it will remain irrelevant because you haven’t earned the right to have an opinion that carries any weight on what does or doesn’t happen, plain and simple.

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Do you even know what objectively means? The post isn’t asking it to be toned down or balanced it’s just REMOVED, it’s funny cause this wasn’t really mentioned in any of the prior crybaby posts, not until after we got some healthy nerfs did this come up as a “problem”.

I understand why people don’t like it, I just don’t care. I hate crybabies who just come in asking for the removal of things for other classes that they don’t play, they don’t care if the class becomes trash or unplayable, they just care about themselves.

As far as you being better than me, you can think whatever you want, I think you’re bad myself. Like I already mentioned, you look boosted. You’re like the guy in 10th place calling the guy in 19th place bad, we’re both still losers.

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Because not many rets were running it as there was access to better talents for the longest time, so the problem hadn’t spread to allow for people to experience the issue.

The fact ret dmg rotation completely counters the major defensive of WW is a huge problem, all you rets love to complain about MD but yet when you have something equally stupid it’s suddenly “you’re just crybabies”

So lets just remove WW defensives and then you won’t have anything to complain about, right? You see how annoying it is to ask for the removal of stuff for other classes?

Now your post is fair and I’ll also be fair, this entire thread sucks, should be asking for balance, but instead just REMOVE THIS REMOVE THAT, Judgments of the Pure already existed, you were just only able to Judge every 8s or so, and I don’t think anyone was crying about it then, so it should be balanced if it had an 8 ICD right? I’m sure even then people would still find a reason to cry.

I’d rather they keep judge dispel but tone it down. It adds a little bit of counterplay to the game

Removing judgment of the pure from judgement would be balanced. The best thing I’ve seen is have the talent be tied to cleanse toxins instead.


I mean, ret will be imbalanced unless it loses its tankiness OR its utility and damage.

And if you took it you were losing access to better talents instead

If you can’t accept that having a 6 second dispel in your core dps rotation is not OP/Toxic, you prob should not be weighing in on balancing conversations.


Weird it’s almost like that talent has existed for a while, did you whine about it SLs too? Guessing not, just nothing better to cry about now?

“Weird” it’s almost like it couldn’t dispel 30 flame shocks in a 2 minute game before.

Or there were better talents before you had to choose between.

“Weird” it’s only coming up now


Pretty sure people are just miffed that it has been deemed completely acceptable for some specs to be left in the dumpster in terms of PVP viability but the minute paladins can’t DPS it’s seen as a huge problem. If it were any other class it’d just get ignored for whole expansions but paladins can’t be allowed to be mediocre.

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Do you even know why you’re using quotes? It’s only coming up now because there is nothing better for you to cry about, you’re a crybaby, you gotta have something to blame your tears on. What’s next, Blessing of Sanctuary? I see some of those going around lol and they are HILARIOUS, since it’s been around even longer.


I have not read the entire thread, which I’m assuming is full of respectful discussion.

I would like to say that I strongly dislike ALL of the “cast damage or healing and also get purging / defensive dispel baked into it” abilities this expansion.

PS: Judge dispel is probably top of the list. Due to it’s high frequency.


This was already suggested but I’ll throw it out there again: Just put a 30 sec icd on dispel until it can be removed in next patch, and change talented sac cd to 1.5m from 1m. /end thread


Because your comment warranted them. Your point made it PAINFULY obvious you didn’t understand why it wasn’t an issue before and why it is now.

I’m quing into rets that REFUSE to use these talent points and leave me in CC. I’ve started reporting them for gameplay sabotage because they are willfully throwing my rounds with them. Jaxvistoll is the worst offender trash ret and human forcing me to heal this mong should be considered torture under the Geneva convention.

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