lolololol blue class complain about pink class lolololol
lolololol blue class complain about pink class lolololol
No, it’s not a counter.
Its a complete wipe of the rotation.
you will spend the entire arena trying to keep ur shock up on one target. 27 dispels in a TWO MINUTE GAME is absolutely ridiculous. Holy crapazoid ret paladin brain is gross.
Ret reversing a trap is no where near as soul crushing as having bubble removed in 0.5 seconds. Try again man…
This existed before the rework and not a lot of people even bothered to play around it. You are just mad now because Ret is stronger overall, if we were still dogtier free kills no one would be crying.
Does Ret dispel not trigger the knock up backlash for some reason?
I am kind of curious if that’s a bug… because it seems like we would be punished for constantly dispelling flame.
I’ll have to test it with UA as well.
Ret was fine before the idiocy that was this rework. Now I’ve got lifetime 1400-1600 player friends pushing Elite titles in a week because they’re unkillable.
Silly. Revert the last week of all Ret Paladin PvP progress with an apology for putting out something so poorly tested.
should have an ICD for sure
i don’t like that it’s counterplay is rng
there’s no way you can argue against it being changed, but how is the question
30 second icd or removed seem like the 2 best bets
If you let the pvp comunity balance ret it will end up with only judgement, templar verdict and flash heal on 3min CD
30 seconds is kinda long, even imp dispel is shorter than that.
20 seconds probably makes it frustrating to use coming up right before the dr cycle forcing you to hold a really important part of your damage
25 is probably better than that or 30
seems like it makes it great for getting sheep/hoj/trap ect
but less 0counterplay into things like moonkin
though i did see a ret kill himself on stellar flare or whatever tonight
long live the ret paladin rework
I vote this one, feels bad to throw a major defensive up and the deterrent for breaking it is instantly ignored by dmg rotation
The thing is, most of the cd’s do have counterplay. Applying multiple magic debuffs decreases the chance of dispelling the correct debuff. Also if it has a cd the likelihood of having it up for specific cd’s is incredibly improbable. Especially since the ability is an integral part of ret rotation. Rets first global 99% of the time is going to be judgement. It increases templars damage by 20% and also procs empyrean power, and is also one of the two builders rets can press in their general rotation. Tying it to a long cd will not work. If it was something comparable to before ret rework, where the cd is the same cd as judgement. That would be the only way I can think of properly balancing it without making the cd useless.
Right but unlike imp dispel where the entire team can work to cover that, the actual target needs to cover it
And then divine toll as always has been a guaranteed dispel
I mean technically you can reapply hunters mark after the first judge and it’s still a 50-50.
Also putting a cd on it equal to judgements cd would still prevent that, which was my proposed fix.
And after that there’s the other option of covering the ret during the go. Which does not work against something like imp.
You have to get absurdly lucky for you to ever have a trap sit during a divine toll with you doing that; you’re dealing with multiple 50-50’s on hunters mark and all it takes is you losing one for the trap to be gone
dude. its utterly broken.
yes cast multiple 0 damage globals in a metagame of damage so that you can gamble 1/2 with a ret’s rotational 7sec cd ability dispelling your cc from the enemy healer
gaming in 2 dimensions
Also toll is a 60 second cd. I can’t really think of a viable hunter comp that doesn’t have a way to cover ret once a minute.