Jubei'Thos Alliance Reconnections

At least someone remembers me

Wow thats amazing. Im still amazed some of us are around. If you guys are around in classic ill drop a whisper. I think ill be starting on the PVP Oceanic server.

Heablz - Dwarf Priest- Riven

Didn’t play an awful lot on jubi at the time, been wondering if amnesty or stormwolf still play as they where the main reason i come over to jubi.

Same I have 5 kids now I’m trying to get my daughter to play

Will you guys be rolling ally on arugal?

I think I will as I know the ally quests

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Hey annia!!!

I’ll be back!!! hope you remember me hahaha

Hey Krystie! Yeah of course I remember :slight_smile:

Didn’t even realise the guild was still around, do any of the other original members still play? Are you going to be on Arugal?

I’m going Remulos, don’t have time for getting ganked. And the kids won’t like it.

I haven’t been on in a while but last time I checked I think a lot of the active ones transferred to a diff server

Butters is contemplating and I think he could probably get Dorayaki to hop on too if he does. Others were still kinda active the last time I checked in WOD

Hoping to see some super OGs though like krianna, Gnomedome etc!!!

Oh that would be awesome if Butters and Dorayaki come back. I miss the days of raiding with DXM, some of the best fun I ever had in this game!

I’ll be on Arugal as Annia (hunter) and Eilinna (priest)

This might be a long shot…but I am looking for a 39 hunter I played with on Uldum named Wycleaf. He played a character here - think the name was Axilon.

If you are out there bud, my btag is Sober#1585

Good Mens? Don’t you mean Team Delta Strike Force!!!1!

Hey Nilma. Funny, last I remember of Foca he was dead at Golemagg’s feet.

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Jesus Foca you really are still playing. How did I not know this?

The nuts will be back! Not sure what server yet but anyone from Rising Addiction / Fade let me know where you are rolling.

Probably would’ve been because you guys let me off tank with a blue shield and arms spec Haha.

Will you be returning to classic? Would be cool if some of us manage to recreate the guild. So far Leinna, Drugnar and Foca are coming back

I love me a bit of PvP so I’ll be rolling the pvp server as a ally mage maybe same name

Yo, Its Darthgrim here (Grimley, Grakthanar)

From Fade, Cure, Reborn Addiction, Crimson.

Probably going Horde PVP.

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