Joyous Journeys – Summer XP Buff Event

i expect nothing and i’m still let down


The hype is dying. I feel bad for the people who have literally no reason to play since they are headed to a fresh server.


“In the coming weeks”

weeks pass

I guess you could argue that when they release it it’ll still be part of “coming weeks”. Although technically April 12th 2055 will also be in “the coming weeks”…

Why not just release it now though? What would it possibly hurt?

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it would cause prepatch release drama

No. Quit complaining

There’s going to be prepatch release drama either way. They could even just come out and say “We decided to release the XP buff early. This does not in any way affect the release of the prepatch.”

Imagine announcing something people want that takes 0 effort and not releasing it at the time frame everyone expects because “few” while interpreted as 3 in most modern context can be anything less than “many”

I guess this means wotlk isn’t coming out until… mid-September?

That’s me and my friends :laughing: I was so excited for fresh when it was announced as well as the xp buff so we all stopped leveling in our previous server and haven’t played since. Waiting this long without knowing when it’s coming is slowly killing the hype we had for it.

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It’s impressive how Blizzard manages to do that isn’t it.


I only have 6 days left to live. This really puts a damper on things


Maybe if we keep making posts about our sadness, Blizzard will feel some empathy and release a statement clarifying the release dates for these things.

Your hope is cute. You want to cudle under a tree?

Well, they have like a month or more to wait.

True, but with JJ coming out, it indicates prepatch is closer. Actual dates would be nice.

Well, guess this means Wrath is in Sept.

Can we get an update on this :pray: :pray: :pray: :cry::cry::cry:

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4 is a month… not “weeks”… lmao


There are a few weeks in a month.

That’s not true sadly. 4 weeks is not 1 month. A month isn’t a unit to measure the passage of time, it’s a unit to divide the year. April is a month. While months may average 4 weeks, april 15th to may 15th is not one month.

I know liguistically in English we are pretty loose with this, but to be accurate, 4 weeks isn’t actually a month.