Is it? I mean, maybe they are; what do I know?
But, I’d be loathe to say it’s obvious that they are.
FWIW, until the past week or so, I’ve been mainly playing Cata Classic during my WoW game time, which has been fairly regular arena queues across 4 max level characters, dailies on at least 2 every day, and sometimes 4. Weekly raiding on 2 characters, regular use of the auction house, professions, including fishing and cooking, some dungeon queues (exalted with all tabard factions on most toons), and very little, if any engagement with seasonal quests/events.
There’s nothing about the state of the game and/or (lack of) developer engagement that stands out to me as requiring attention or action.
What does stand out to me though is that there are so many other offerings as well. The most interesting or engaging part of dailies for me has been as Alliance on Faerlina, because there is a possibility of some wpvp, which makes it fun. Though, that too is only so fun in that it’s fun to be in full PvP gear/Spec and some lower geared PvE rogue tanks you, then you kill him and his equally PvE geared feral Druid friend. Repeat 2-3 times, then 15 other people notice and you have to move on to something else.
Arenas are pretty fun. Raids are OK. The content is stale, but if you have people to hop into discord with once or a couple times a week and catch up a bit, there’s a compelling reason to at least raid log.
Oh right, and with my dailies, and selling the odd thing here/there on the ah, I’ve been regularly getting at least 1-2 tokens/month from the AH or dumping 20-30K into a someone’s gbank.
If I wanted a Classic leveling experience, I can hop into HC or Era and get it. If I want that but with a ton of catchup mechanics and experience boosts (and “balancing” like asking for buffs for feral, for example) there’s SoD.
If I wanted to lean into the automation, but also actually enjoy some difficulty in dungeons, then there’s no comparison between the new slow-mode, boring dungeons in Cata and dynamic, engaging M+ in Retail.
As one poster said, PVP in Cata is fun. If you can find people to queue with who you enjoy playing with, I think that is quite true. Of course, if you just want to easily find similarly rated people to play with quickly, there’s always Retail (but of course, you’ll have to learn the new class abilities and contend with whatever that player base brings to the table).