Josh Greenfield on GDKPs in recent interview

There have been a few actions overturned that we’ve seen in Customer Support. Some not too long ago, but those for something entirely different. So, yes, Blizz does overturn mistakes. That is what the appeals process is. It’s not a debate. It means a fresh pair of eyes look at the action and the eivdence. They eiher let it stand or overturn it. The vast majority of actions are upheld because of evidence on the back end. This is what the Blues over there have said repeatedly and there has been no reliable evidence to contradict that.

So Blizz does admit it makes mistakes. That is what the appeals process is for.

It just don’t happen very often. So pretty much all of these suspensions are for valid reasons. This is especially true with RMT/gold crud because the evidence will be so clear.

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I’m not so sure.

I’ve heard that they are banning people who have come into contact with bought gold as having participated in RMT and have banned those unaware parties as well.

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I’m not sure how the bans can be justified if that is true and they are also banning people who, say sold an item to someone who bought gold.

I really don’t think the OP has anything to worry about. Legitimate players sometimes get false actions, but I don’t think it happens nearly as much as I once did. Seeing how disingenuous and flat out deceitful whales have been the last week or so…I’d say the vast majority are warranted. They just grew so used to their shady behavior not being punished, they flip out now that Blizz is doing something about it.

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You don’t know that Falsebans and good luck with your appeals. I saw your thread in Customer Support. If you appealed, a second person will look at the evidence and either undo the action or let it stand. I think I know where my gold would be on that. But, seriously, good luck.

Have you seen the customer service portion of the forum? It’s filled with “false-bans” no GMs saying anything because they don’t look at the forums… just the occasional blue post saying that and the typical mod non-sense. What you do see a lot of is these so-called, “MVPs” making themselves look like nothing more than the kids who became cops because they got bullied in school and feel big n bad because they got that green name.

Then we got the ticket system, good luck getting any actual person to review your ticket without spamming tickets… which could take your entire suspension period, the appeal process is a joke, along with blizzard’s cs.

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Great news guys my dagger just dropped!!!


Grats Drinknblink!

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I bet you gray parse here just like you do on WOTLK. No wonder Hunks let you go.

Where did they let me go?

grats on your victory lap opie

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They could region lock servers and ban VPN usage…this would instantly remove 99.9% of all bots


well that seems silly, that’s a very obvious outcome, if you started banning bread all of the public advertisement for it would vanish immediately

Anecdotally I don’t see any of the good things I thought I might see with the gdkp ban such as reduced bots/reduced inflation, but i don’t really see the alleged negatives either. Are there less people around? Yep. Could you ever confidently attribute that to gdkp being banned? I couldn’t

WoW just gets less popular as time goes on, I thought maybe the level bands would stop it but it doesn’t seem like they do, people don’t seem motivated to go 25-40

The appeal process is terrible. Took a week for a friend to get his false ban at the end of p1 overturned. All because that is how long it took to talk to a live person.

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Best news from blizzard is years great job guys ban those creeps


So instead of going after bots, sellers and buyers, he feels he needs to target a playstyle? It is almost like admitting they can’t handle it.


A playstyle full of gold buyers that encourages bots and gold selling.


Just because you keep saying it like a broken record doesn’t mean it is true. Do you do anything else other than troll with your lies and hyperbole?


So you are saying there should be no gold sinks or chase items?

Just like “player c” you couldn’t find a place for between A and B

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