Josh Greenfield on GDKPs in recent interview

Oh for sure, I’m just trolling the banned account at this point lol.


That is absolutely a factor for some. I almost have 3 40s. But I know a lot of players that will not level an alt because of all the random balancing changes (nerfs) they have been doing as well as the GDKP ban on top of other things. Little incentive to have an alt. Only reason I have what I do is because I have two groups of friends on two different servers that I am trying to play with.

Having 3 40s is NOT the norm homie. I’m just going to tell you flat out lol. Like I have a stay at home job and I’m still working on my second alt.

This is definitely true. I know for me I’m holding off on leveling my alt just because the balancing seems so volatile right now.

Like I said, a VERY small percentage of players would actually quit due to GDKP ban. Most people who ran GDKPs were raid loggers anyways who never actually participated in any other content other than “log into main, run GDKP, get gold, log out, log onto alt, do same thing, logout, log onto 2nd alt…etc”. GDKPs are the perfect platform to have raid logging players just literally not participate in anything but GDKPs.


His talk dosent mean anything. The so called good result is not from banning gdkp, they banned a lot other gold trade…. They more like a dictatorship

Hey, at the end of the day its a choice between Wow token or bots and gold sellers.

I’m not convinced blizzard will be able to stop botting and gold selling effectively.

It would be good if they could.

20 years and being wrongfully banned for RMT has shown me otherwise.

Yeah people will flame me and assume I’m a gold buyer until my suspension gets overturned.

If it does.

Blizzard doesn’t make mistakes. Never been any innocents banned or suspended.

Blizz has never found a single case of someone being acted against incorrectly.

I need to talk to this guys boss so that I can show them I will do a better job on making a good game than he dose

They seem to be shootin pretty hard at Gold Buyers lol. It seems like with them banning GDKPs they are having an easier time tracking the bought gold since there isn’t a gg ez method to clean the gold.

Honestly this is the most I’ve seen of people complaining they got banned because someone “traded them 500 gold and it was totally legit etcetcetc I swear promise pinky”. Something seems to be working lol.

Is it perfect? Heck no. Is it better than it was before? Time will tell.


Yeah, the last time I saw this many threads about being banned was in 2019 when Blizz was cracking down on AFKers in AV.


I think in the vast majority of cases, they’re probably going to have an easier time finding and banning gold buyers.

That’s a good thing for the game.

They are testing a new method and parameters of banning people with.
Their new system is only as old as p2.

Yall really place enough faith in blizz that it doesn’t seem likely innocent people get caught up in a system thats 3 weeks old.

Come on.

Right, because Wrath and Retail, which both have the Token, don’t have bots. :man_facepalming:

Oh, actually bots got even worse in Wrath when the Token was added.


Yo I’m not gonna lie…after the 20th thread on reddit or on the forums saying the exact same LOL reasons for the bans “Yoooo why am i banned?? My guildie traded me 250 gold because I told him I would give him like my retail gold…why am I banned wutttt”…kind of gets hard to believe lol.


I think those are stupid as well.

Trading gold across servers would be a bannable offense if it were up to me, and should be.

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They truly are broken. SAD.


9 times out of 10 those reasons are garbage and people seem to just be sad af at being caught RMTing. Luckily I believe they get like a 2 week suspension or something for doing it. So hopefully they learn from the mistakes.

Like I said…is the system perfect? Nahhh no way it is…but sometimes you gotta have some casualties of war for the greater good.



I traded a person from x server for money on x server should be a bannable offense.

Basically the same as gold-buying in my eyes.

agreed because it’s something that can’t be verified lol. Like it’s a solid scapegoat for RMT.

Casualties of war are fine if blizzard can find the false bans and unban them effectively.

I don’t think they are.

I think we do have cases of false-positives getting caught in the system and blizzard CS failing to discover them.

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yeah but those are people who sell gold, so no one cares.

One can only hope. But like I said, the false bans are 2 week suspensions then the homies can come back to playing if they wanted to (worst case scenario). Luckily I’m leaning on the side of the casualties of war being a minimum…where as the bans on the real offenders being most of them.

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You know, I always used to side on the players’ end when it came to false bans. Just because Blizzard customer support is…trash.

But man, these last few weeks have really showcased how people will just flat out lie. With a straight face. Lie through their teeth, play a game of semantics, try to justify their behavior. Whatever makes them feel they’re in the right. I just went through it tonight with a forum poster.

Some people just have no scruples. And maybe I’m setting myself up for a karma hit by mocking people claiming they’ve been falsely banned, if it happens to me. But all I can do is have faith Blizz isn’t that incompetent…which I never thought I’d say.

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