"Josh Greenfield: Everyone screaming for more realms: No" Edit: New RPPVP Server Chaos Bolt

I’ve heard we have GMs. Maybe they will strictly enforce the RP ruleset on RP servers.


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This but unironically. We pay 15$ a month. we shouldnt have the devs making decisions on servers based on how to milk us out of more character transfers, or how to cut server costs for a few months at the expense of player enjoyment. The biggest cost for servers used to be the money you pay GMs but that is mostly automated now.

Open up twice as many servers, when one starts to die after the initial opening month then merge it. none of this ‘me pay $15$ a month then pay another 15-30$ to xfer my character’ type crap. No need to be reluctant about merging dead servers when milking character transfer money from frustrated players isnt a business policy.

I dont like being super negative about blizzard but some of these decisions seem to be business decisions at the expense of customers who pay a subscription. They are taking advantage of junkies i guess. :cry:

edit: Also they did this with classic or with SoM i forget which. servers were full and people wanted new servers. blizzard said “NO!” then after a few hours added new servers which didnt have the same traction and died early, then they want you to pay to transfer off of them to go to the main server.


At one time opening more servers was the norm as they wanted players to enjoy themselves. Now they want you to stay on as long as possible. The fact that they put effort into adding content into an almost 20 year old game and that they won’t allow people to “trial” Classic for free should tell you that Classic is bringing in more money than Retail. If people level SoD too fast (since max is 25) they will quit faster and unsub faster.

Blizzard’s first answer to any request by the player base is “you think you do but you don’t” which is just a long way of saying “no”. Then they implement the very thing people asked for and act like they are somehow saviors. A variety streamer I enjoy decided to try SoD after having not played WoW since original vanilla. He logged off after not being able to tag any mobs and nobody wanting to group to kill some kobolds or wolfs.

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I was fine with limited servers, to avoid what we already saw happen in Classic the first time: Launch a ton of servers because of initial demand, and then over half of them die out within a few months and people are stuck on them.

In this case though, launching with one RP-PVP server would have been fine UNTIL the streamers decided to go there, knowing full well that would basically ruin the community everyone wanted there. Launching another one was 100% the right approach since it means people who wanted a real RP-PVP server, not just a PVP server filled with sycophant streamer fans, can get one and start building their community immediately.

It happened fast enough that most likely anyone who wanted a real RP-PVP server wouldn’t even pick Crusader Strike.


because opening more servers is not smart and caused 90% of those servers to be empty, once the big servers smoothed out after launch.

2019 half of those servers the people cried for died…people entitled people can’t wait for a launch of a new game…the want instant gratification.

Chaos Bolt will be empty, no different than 2019 servers…

and that’s exactly what happened lol, the biggest ones roll on chaos bolt shortly after it opened, its like 90% allie now.

Would you rather have nobody able to get onto a server at all because it’s filled with mouth droolers wanting to play with the likes of Asmon and Esfand instead of people actually going to an RP-PVP server because it’s RP-PVP?


Deviate Delight 2.0 gonna be ded realm in a month

Should’ve been only 3 servers. 2 PvP (so you can play each race) and 1 Normal.

This could have all been avoided if Blizzard had just released the server list ahead of time. The streamers could have agreed on a regular PvP server like they normally do and anyone wanting to avoid them could easily do so. Instead RP-PVP was the only known one so they went there.

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they need to just tell these idiots on twitter to stop posting and interacting with customers the pr is pathetic

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Which is why they would merge the servers later. It was to make sure people could get in and play. We aren’t talking about 2019.

When Chaos Bolt is empty they can shut down that server partition. You act like it is very difficult for them to do this. This isn’t 2006 and they were able to get a new one up very quickly. They can also shut them down and push people onto the other RPPVP server just as quickly.

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They would most likely just make them cross-server.

Why do you want more realms?

You’re gonna see a drop off within a few weeks and nobody will have qs anymore.

You don’t need more servers.

Not everyone is gonna play it l

1 more server isn’t going to hurt anyone. Even the Devs said it themselves that the amount of people trying to get onto one server was beyond what they deemed as ‘full’.

The only time people are going to say servers are dead is when everyone has hit the 25 cap and we’ve finished everything that can be done at 25 toward the end of the wait when they raise the cap to 40.

I’m not worried about this at all.

I would also add in that, if 2 RPPVP servers existed in the first place, would the same sentiment be there?

If there were 7 instead of 8 or if there were 8 from the get go. People just want to be right. Everyone else doesn’t really care.

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They already added more servers and admitted they needed to. So seems they think it was needed.

I hadn’t seen the realm list.

When did they put them in?

They all have a billion layers. Once the wave of tourists quit nobody will even have qs anymore

They only added Chaos Bolt which is the other RPPVP server.

I can understand why they did that.

Crusader is basically faerlina. It isn’t gonna be “RP” in any way


Indeed. It’s the only server type that was garnering a HUUUUGE amount of attention.

And this is the main reason for everyone being upset about Streamers staking claim on it. Had nothing to do whether it was going to be popular or even the fact it had a massive queue.

Had everything to do with ‘those types’ ruining people’s experience and calling it RP.

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