Jom Gabbar too big, other servers too small

Then I transfer 2 a diff realm. I mean… I do have a lvl 30 iron soul druid alt :wink: on a diff server.

But you’re aware of the SoM forums but decided to look a few weeks after launch, not prior…? sounds like a personal problem, again. Clearly you’re connected enough to use the forums, so again, personal problem. Reroll or quit

What are you even doing? I’m on the forums talking with other people with a similar problem, then here you come out of left field being a disruptive troll.

What do you have to gain from any of the things you are saying? Is this just your social life?

Anyways keep bumping this post with your nonsense, thanks again.

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Classic, tbcc, and hell even retail has shown that populated realms are usually safer in terms of having a large playerbase to play with. Its not for everyone, but this happens naturally.

Look at area 52, illidan, stormrage on retail. Plenty of examples on classic too.

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It’s not a problem if it is self inflicted.

You dodged the question. What are you doing in this post, you loser?

You have nothing to gain, is this just the only way you feel anything? Trolling on forums?


Because picking a server that WILL be dead is stupid

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There’s literally only two west coast PvP serers, how would I have known that it would end up dead and literally everyone would pick one East Coast server?

In all of WoWs history, West Coast servers have always been the biggest, so it’s not like these servers dying was predictable.

I’m disputing the OP’s claim that there is no good experience available. Jom is fine. You made the choice not to roll on the only viable server. Reroll or quit.

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How are you disputing OP’s claim when every one of your replies are directly to me?

My original reply was to OP, you decided to reply to me.

Hate to say it OP but research was needed for this one. I have run censuses and will be releasing a new report after 4 weeks of SoM.

Unfortunately the 2 west coast pvp realms are not great. They are not dead, but history shows us that the future for them is not positive. But hey might be wrong.


No amount of research would have helped. Jom Gabbar is too big, the other servers are too small.

I can assure you servers like Obsidian edge, shadowstrike and barman are not small.

Just because you dont have 3 layers doesnt mean its dead. Those realms are fine.


They are too small to invest time in. This is the big wave of people leveling, right now, and they are small. Where will they be a month from now?

With your logic if you’re not the biggest you might as well not be playing. Why didnt you do research if it was that important?

This makes no sense.


That isn’t my logic at all. I don’t want to be on the biggest server, as I’ve said multiple times, but I also don’t want to be on a dead server. For PvP servers, there’s Jom thats FULL, which doesn’t tell the whole story, and the rest are medium, which is pretty small so close to launch.

Maybe a server like twice the size of Mutanus or Nightfall would be ideal, which is why I think they should be merged.

big beta thinkin

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I get what you’re saying. Take this as a learning exp to take a look next time.

Personally I think other realms outside of Jom will be fine, not all, it just so happened this time around the pvp west realms would be lower populated.

What exactly am I supposed to learn from this? As I’ve said, no amount of research would have helped. If anything, too many people did “Research” and all decided on the same server.

There isn’t one PvP server in the goldilocks zone and you know it. No amount of research can change that.

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