Joker, Tidepod and Pink, pretty bad for a premade

I don’t see it that way, at all. They just ran into an enemy team that actually had some competent healers and dps, probably a preform on the horde side as well.

I think Kthis means the general persona.


They admit to losing or having difficulties against certain comps, if you read into it. A “God’s Gift” person doesn’t do that.

I don’t go after people for disagreeing with me (as much as I used to, anyway) because it really never ends well but don’t mistake calling someone bad as being the same thing as saying you are the best.


This is just one example of dozens. Sometimes you got a humble Bri, admitting that they can struggle, and other times you got the above Bri.

I wouldn’t say they can beat a competent five man by themselves (as in a 2v5), but their actions as a duo can definitely be the main cause for their team winning a fight against a premade. They set their team up by giving them a win condition.

As an example, Bri on prot paladin runs solo into the enemy team to draw focus and eat their offensive cooldowns and CC, which allows Joker and any other DPS to come in and AoE cleave them down. Without those actions the team fight can become difficult instead of trivial.


Good to see Bri and Joker still tilting people in BG’s (not you OP).


glad to know you’re still obsessed with Bri


And to add on top of their typical win conditions, when I’ve been playing with them: While they’re off winning the battle, turning the tide in the teamfight, I’m off winning the war by grabbing the objective. You know, rogue stuff.


Oh great. Look at what we’ve done. We’ve said Bri 3 times and summoned joker. I hope you’re all happy.


You don’t need to say it lol. She said it. This doesn’t really need to be a discussion I don’t actually care. I just thought I’d say something funny and we could all move on. Side question, do you work in PR? You could find the silver lining for dragon diarrhea.

You’ve never said something funny, why try now?

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Will you be staying in the BG forums long? Or are you going to disappear for weeks until someone says something bad about bri again like usual?

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Nah, I just don’t hold perpetual grudges or demonize people even if I’ve fought with them in the past on a personal level. It seems like a waste of time and energy to me.

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Lots of people can make a big difference in randoms. It’s not hard vs most random players lol

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I made my first comment here as a jab. It was cheap sure, but it was purely in jest. I have never come out of the gates swinging at Bri, and every time it has gotten dirty between her and I, it was never I who was the aggressor. The fact that you think so just means that you don’t know enough about either of us.

No matter how badly she would throw insults, and trust me it got pretty bad, I always came into the next thread with an olive branch.

I also don’t dislike Bri. She’s not a bad person, she’s just a complicated person.


Healers and preforms are the largest determining factor in random BGs in this expansion. It’s actually quite difficult to change the outcome of matches as a solo or non-healer duo queue unless there is a preform on your side strong enough to counter the enemy preform.

The reason for that, is because the enemy team will just come and zerg you down on objectives after your team is dead and possibly being GY camped.

If the preform on you side is stronger than the enemy preform or the enemy has no preform (and by preforms, I mean those coming in with two healers) then they would win regardless of your presence in most situations.

In the event of a PuG vs. PUG match with no duo healer preforms, solo or duo queue players can have a significant impact.

TLDR; A solo or non-healer duo queue typically can only impact matches with equally matched preforms or matches with no preforms.

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Tighten that leash.

My point still stands. It’s a random BG and many people can make a big difference.

You are obsessed.


How? They didn’t make the thread.

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