Join us on the <Worldsoul Expedition>!

We are a mid-core raiding guild, seeking DPS & Healers to join our raid team.

Our raiding times are Saturday & Sunday:
EST - 8PM-10PM

We’re home to a wide spectrum of play-styles and we welcome new or inexperienced players; as well as players that are intimidated by new roles and play-styles.

In our community, we have many veterans of the game who are willing to help you as much as we can.

Tell me if you’ve heard this one before. You’ve joined a raiding guild and end up getting benched a lot or straight up removed and you don’t know why, the guild members aren’t as welcoming to you and it doesn’t seem as social as it was advertised. You’ve looked at your dps and you notice it’s a lot lower than everyone else, but you just don’t understand why and no one will help you.

I’ve been in this same exact situation before and that is one of the core reasons my friend and I started this guild. If you’re that person, we’re not going to shun you, we’ll help you figure out that core “why” question and have you thriving in no time.

WoW isn’t a difficult game at its core, it mostly takes patience. While we are mid-core guild and many of us play a lot and somewhat try hard; we’re patient, easygoing, understanding and laid back.

We also often play other games and enjoy some downtime at the end of the season to prevent burnout.

If this sounds like a guild you would enjoy, reach out to #ashemoogle on discord or Rangash-Area52 in game. We hope you consider us, we’d love to have more friends and like-minded individuals in our community! Thanks for taking the time to read our post.

Looking for a healer or flex dps/healer spec to join our raid team and mythic plus groups.

We are a medium size guild that is very welcoming of new guild members and wanting to get them folded into our raid groups, mythic plus runs and other games/activities we do as a guild.