Family First a family friendly guild and the largest + most active Guild on Uther / Runetotem LFM for our Friday night raid night.
We would also love to get an RBG team going again so if you’d like to lead a team or your guild just dosnt have enough that want RBGs then nows the time to mass migrate over and lets pull it all together
Or if your just looking for the social aspect or just a buddy to play with then head over too, with a guild this large theres someone for everyone.
we have about 600 members that have logged in within the last 30days and to keep the guild going strong with active members we purge inactive members that are at least 2 months inactive.
So don’t just sit there in your guild with only 5-10 active members, head on over and start enjoying the game again
- no swearing in guild chat, were a family friendly guild.