John High confirms fate of Sylvanas at Chinajoy 2019. Shadowlands leak is probaby real

Disgraced former warchief goes to alternate reality, creating threats on the primary in petty effort for revenge.

This is new and original story.


Reminder that THIS was the Shadowlands information

"World of Warcraft: Shadowlands
Two new continents: Dragon Isles, Shadowlands. New class: Tinkerer DPS with turrets, bombs and ‘ghost buster’ gimmicks. Also healer and tank specs. Uses mail armor. Primary stat is intellect. Vestiges of Power (secondary talent system a la artifacts/essences). Level squish postponed. No world revamp. New scaling tech that will do away with the frequent item level & stat squishing. Raid tier sets are not returning, but there will be class-specific challenge sets. Champion system: We will reunite with the spirits of fallen heroes: Uther, Cairne, Vol’jin, Varian, Saurfang, Rhonin, etc. But also certain villains. The Old Gods are not dead. They are sleeping in Ny’alotha. N’Zoth has been redirecting souls to fuel the Old Gods’ ascension back into the world. The Black Empire will rise again very soon. This is what Azshara saw when she died.

Forces of death aka “Death’s Vanguard”:
Elune, Helya and others are working together to fight the Void incursion into the Shadowlands. Bolvar brings us there. Sylvanas has been honoring a pact, waging war in Helya’s name. Elune’s night warrior also transports the souls of its victims to the Shadowlands. Alliance has inadvertently helped the war against the Old Gods in the Shadowlands. They will be reunited with all of the casualties (almost). Bwonsamdi is working for Hakkar the Soulflayer, who seeks power for himself, also by consuming souls. Old Gods: The void exploited the defeat of Argus to gain access to the Shadowlands. Xal’atath may have sold us out. Ny’alotha is threatened by the advance of Death’s forces N’Zoth instigated the battle for Azeroth to cause death & consume more souls. Sylvanas propagated the war to usher souls toward Helya instead of Ny’alotha.

“Starting point” for Shadowlands. Three minor factions: Night elves, death knights, Helya/Sylvanas. Helya is kinder now & prettier. Main goal is to prevent Ny’alotha from consuming the souls of the fallen. Huge rivers of souls run through each zone.

All the blood trolls we killed in Nazmir are here. Bwonsamdi has been roped into working for Hakkar the Soulflayer. We help him overthrow Hakkar and reclaim his title as the loa of death. ALNIR RIFTLANDS: A crucible for the primordial energies that comprise the fabric of all realities, with portals to each one. Everything is spilling in and out of rifts. Source of void incursions on Dragon Isles and Emerald Dream.

Semi-peaceful zone where spirits go to rest according to lore. Main city and sanctuary is here. Lots of questlines and two dungeons. Greek inspired, a la “Hades’ front yard”. Ethereals have a big presence here.

There will likely be 9 dungeons total at launch, 5 in Shadowlands and 4 on Dragon Isles. No names for them yet.

Dragon Isles:
Don’t know much, but it has void dragons. We will help rebuild the black dragonflight. Storylines for each dragon aspect."

It’s just too disappointing to NOT be true. The lack of new features, the doubling down on features the community generally dislikes…it’s just perfect.


That would be depressing and hilarious if they have her time travel.

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They also said we’d be shocked with who burned Teldrassil. :rofl:

Buckle up though guys, Sylvanas is going down the Kerrigan route.


Don’t hate me (this is Tovi) but I hope she does get redeemed. I hate the character but I hate the pile of dead Horde faction leaders more😕


You’re looking a lot beefier than usual. I also hope she redeems the Forsaken. That was her end game from the getgo, and I hope that has been her goal still since Cata. Saving them from the fate she saw once she died off ICC.

I’m ok with her being redeemed if it was solely for the Forsaken.


Plot Twist: Sylvanas is Kerrigan!


I’ll be back tomorrow and that’s all I’m saying :zipper_mouth_face:

Oh snap!

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Im on board for Shadowlands if it means my once-mained DK for over half a decade becomes bearable to play again.

Isn’t Blizzcon coming up?

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I think it’s time the Forsaken to have an actual undead human take the reins.

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Sure, fine, whatever. At this point I’d just be happy if she lived.

Better than what old Zul’jin, Vol’jin, Carne, and Garrosh got.


I vote for Jeremiah Payson.

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Blizzon 2019 cinematic begins

Sylvanas walks through an empty throne room, she is alone. She walks to a chest, bends over and opens it, inside you see a small bundle wrapped in cloth. She begins to undo it, you see the cloth hit the floor. All is silent.

“Jim…” you hear Sylvanas whisper

The camera pans out and you see Sylvanas touching a picture of Jim Raynor from Starcraft. Mystical energy begins to swirl around Sylvanas and she transforms into Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades.

“I found a way back to you Jim…” Kerrigan says this time loud and strong.

“My lady, the portal is activated, you can go home now…but I wish you’d reconsider” Nathanos slinks into view, annoying as ever.

“No my Champion, you have served me well, but I do not belong here. Farewell”




Dead is dead. Nobody cares about the sack holding the maggots in.


November 11th I think.

They mirror each other enough for that to be the case.

Time to raise Cairne’s spirit once again, and bind it to a nameless sack of maggots, yes?


I wish but he’s in an urn, sitting on Baine’s mantle :cry:

One day people will understand that we were literally told Vol’jin isn’t dead.

If Shadowlands is true, I wonder if we’re going to see very interesting Forsaken Lore. Sylvanas going to be the shepherd of souls by the end of it.