Joana's Leveling guide down & u paid money

Joana’s leveling guide was charging $5 a month to have access during classic , I paid for it and his server is down , very poor form Joana, refund pls.

He’s having a lot of technical issues with it and is sacrificing quite a bit of his playtime to try and fix it. Pretty sure he’s trying.

I am in line after you.

His site looking like a myspace page should have set off alarm bells


why buy the info when there is plenty for free


Why in the hell would you pay for something that is free in so many versions around the web?


Why search for it when someone already has and combed through it.

so do many other ppl, except its free, if anything think of the money as supporting joana and go find info elsewhere, there is a boatload

Honestly, I played so much in vanilla that I just remember where all the quests are. Also, if anybody is interested, the key to getting a nightsaber mount as a non-night elf is to do all the quests in Teldrassil, Darkshore, Ashenvale and Stonetalon.

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Why even play the game if you need a leveling guide? Not trolling, I’m honestly asking. I don’t understand the point.



Great free alternative.


Thanks for the link to it looks good!

Why get someone else to touch you at night when you can just do it yourself?

Some things are more fun with a friend I guess?

its 37$ now not 5 he is a greedy shill like zygor

get the addo for free

here is a link to his original guild

https : // webcache . googleusercontent . com/search?q=cache:X5vjyUovMnMJ:https ://

remove the spaces