Jinyu become a neutral Allied Race?

You’re welcome.

I am not convinced the faction wars done for good. Even with some pve cross faction elements they can still rev back up at some point in the future. It’s just too huge a part of WoW’s identity to do away with faction conflict forever.

Without faction separation, I fear it becomes harder to add both Jinyu and Naga because of possible overlap of racials. Sure, it could be done, but Blizzard is clearly struggling making races right now for some reason, so figuring out which racials to give which might be too much for them. With faction separation, you can technically justify giving them identical or near identical racials, since they would be on opposite sides of the faction divide…

I hear this occasionally, and I want to hope it will happen like this.

If Blizzard can handle adding both Naga and Jinyu, I’d obviously be in favor of it. I just am concerned given how long I’ve waited that anything that might make it harder for Blizzard to make Naga happen may just bury my dream deeper.

I hope that perhaps you will post on Leotheras’s Naga thread to support playable Naga.

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