Jewelcrafting Trainer Bugged

The jewelcrafting trainer in Silvermoon City is bugged. Can’t click past “Train Me” option once speaking with the NPC

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Only the NPC Amin.

Same problem here. Walked all the way to Silvermoon at lv 5 and the trainer is bugged! :frowning:

Thanks for reporting this for Amin.

Did you try Kalinda across the room from him? She works for me at the moment but Amin does not.

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I thought I was the only one! Problem still ongoing, nothing happens when clicking “Train Me.”
Will try the other girl thank you!!

52 Mage undead. Made and alt lvl 14 Horde Druid resto. Made it to Silvermoon City to find out that neither trainer works to train JC. Funny enough my Rogue learned 2 weeks ago and went back to train got to 100 dropped and went ench at 225 now until i am high enough to go through Uldaman to reach the BE master enchanter their.

Here a year later to say, this is still bugged.