Jeremy Feasel too hard

Trying to do the pet battle with Jeremy for the new mount, and this is ridiculously hard. ive tried the recommended pets, ive used about 10 combinations of the recommended and my regular pets. I can not beat him. this last round , my last pet was at full health and the monkey killed him in one shot. also heals throughout the battle. im so confused and upset , this is day 2 of trying to complete this one, i am about to give up and just stop playing altogether. Im tired of the bullsnot.

are your pets level 25? His pets shouldnt be able to literally one shot yours if they are also level 25.

It was a tough fight for me but I was able to do it with Baal, Spyragos and snowclaw cub, snowclaw cub is incredibly strong against the monkey.

yes all my pets are 25 , except the bear which i wasnt even using , im literally going thru 900 pets to try and complete this crap. I hate pet battles. There must be a bug because all of his pets keep healing themselves mid fight. this is what is frustrating. out of the recommended pets only two can heal but cant because they die first. im literally pulling my hair out by the roots. ive watched every video showing exactly how to beat them , and i just cant do it , i follow it verbatim, and still cant. i get to fexwick , get him down to 300 hp , he instantly heals and one shots Glimr.