Sure! lets make a deal, we’ll give you the class dev and you guys give us your armor designers its a win-win!
Yeahhh, maybe instead of trade we just share
I do Not envy y’all’s armor
Try reading again. I’m not saying DH shouldn’t get better adjustments because of their balance history, I’m saying you’re acting like you’ve always been neglected despite your balance history
It’s been over a year though
Buddy, we don’t all measure time in decades
A year is a long time
I’m sorry your class is in a bad shape
But after so many years of our feedback being ignored after legion and we finaly start getting heard, it’s a bit annoying to read this
Crazy you complain about them not listening to feedback when dh devs have never listened to feedback. Hunter has gotten more work this xpac than dh has the entirety of its lifespan
Over a year since what? TWW released? It hasn’t even been a full 5 months
That’s called “a Warlock.”
Math it out partner
When were we strong in DF?
Last season?
I remember us retiring the crown a couple weeks into season 3
Pretty much the entire expansion? Vengeance was definitely the fastest M+ tank. I will say at least Havoc has been a bit questionable for a bit but it definitely wasn’t bad in DF
I mained H DH in Legion and BfA, MM Hunter in SL and I’m back to Frost Mage in TWW, which I’ve used from TBC → WoD. Going back to the DH now feels like nothing much has changed at all, and what did got more annoying.
Momentum Exergy/Inertia gameplay in 11.1, subjectively, is looking fine though, since it’s back to the VR → Felblade combo that I greatly enjoy.
Either way the complete lack of changes to DH in TWW has been terrible.
On the hunter pet issue, i feel very happy for my hunter, but I still miss the perma water elemental.
We’ve sacrificed everything after all.
As for hero talent QQ, every class has a dud one it seems, whether in impact or effects.
DHs have 2 pretty bad ones though.
No one I know, me included, likes Throw Glaive as their main skill, so that harms Aldrachi Reaver a lot, and Fel Scarred is way too focused on a long CD (Meta).
But she is a “demon” “hunter”.