January 6 class changes

Good thing they essentially made the balance tree so dumb that you can’t even take this anymore. :expressionless:

It’s 35% but yeah it’s dumb and doesn’t make sense.

If you want AoE in M+, you should get indiscriminate carnage.
AoE shiv redundant and a big problem in PvP if it actually works with hemotoxin.

This more feels like an attempt to nerf kingsbane by separating it from zoldyck recipe.

They did?! I haven’t looked at it much but was initial happy since I like communion and thought having 120 ap would be nice to pool for starsurges (especially with 4 set).

Give SV a second freedom, or more leech :triumph:

Can’t say I’m upset with current state of Rshaman, but this was pretty boring considering everyone else getting changes :frowning:

Arms probably one of the best if not the best melee with ignore brain back. Oh boy

Literally same, the concern though is that nothing is actually replacing it. There isn’t any dev note. Every other class change to the others so far has an explanation and sweeping talent reworks and stuff. There is nothing to suggest anything else is going to happen as of now.

The thing is, they are likely going to have to do something like this again. They’re going to have to do a %increase on everything in pve for tuning because of the significant loss of damage there, and add +damage pvp modifiers to aimed and rapidfire. You’re then going to see individual shots tuned high enough to where all of them are threatening, which isn’t going to be any more fun to play against. Even if you never play hunter, you should want more changes to marks, because that’s probably what you’re going to end up playing against if we stay bereft of more sweeping design stuff. Or marks will sit out another expansion and you’ll have bm to complain about.

They announced tunning for next week now.

Half true, but definitely rude. Sorry.

Thanks for the heads up.

Don’t forget. Survival was buffed too 🫣🫣🫣

Oh, they buffed bleed cat of infinite spread pressure. :dracthyr_a1:

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they were so broken it was sad

Yeah I mean buffing Rapid Fire damage by 33% yields the same total damage in the 1 minute window but transfers it from burst to sustain which is what everyone keeps saying is needed in PvP tuning.

Personally I’d like to see them swap Binding Shot and Explosive Trap positions so I could access a stun without a pet and not have to sacrifice Scatter. Bake the crit immunity of ROS into Fortitude of the Bear and make it targeted and I can ditch the pet all together.

Arms will be the top melee for sure, but there won’t be the outrage like there is towards dh. Sin and shadow are the strongest specs in PvP, yet no one mentions them. I have played dh for years, but since DF have received many personal attacks whispered just because of the class color in chat.

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I think they significantly lowered bleed damage and significantly buffed bite damage.

Convoke kitty returning?

You would actually rather play against doubletap marks than that, because you’ll have stuff ready for the big rapidfire. You won’t have something for every rapidfire, and pairing consistently bigger rapidfires with your shorter cooldown abilities like explosive shot more consistently is not going to be easier for you to beat. Within this hypothetical scenario of a buffed rapidfire that isn’t happening, of course.

Well yah but ask anyone Double Tap-Rapid Fire is the problem (wink wink).