January 6 class changes

I got the 1800 mog and shelved the hunter permanently lol

That was rude I saw it

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Yay. :dracthyr_love_animated:


Yeah, glimpse DR was never the issue with DHs, it’s all the damage mods they can stack up and then kill you in 2sec with hunt->eb->death swoop

Came here to say this but was beaten to it

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Y is ur 50% wall an 11second cooldown and mine is 2 minutes.

Make it costs 40 maelstrom idc.

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They are


It’s not an actual 50% wall

Yes it is. Up to ~80k damage /11seconds.

Or are you being pedantic and saying AS is actuslly 55%

Double tap is OP but is not necessarily a win condition. Mixed feelings about Careful Aim though. Never been a good idea. I feel MM sustained is pree good if you ask me.

No disagreement that the spec is polarizing and has been since it’s reintroduction in bfa beta. All of us would prefer a completely different marks. That’s not what’s on the table though.

Whats on the table is ZERO changes to Hunter…none, just a removal of Double Tap. Blizzard doesn’t seem to have someone representing the Hunter class working on the balance team because at this point they might as well just delete our class.

I need to just step away from this for right now. Not healthy lol.


This is for 10.0.5. Whenever that is.

But hopefully tonight we’ll get some class tuning announced for Tuesday.

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Such as? Idk but MM feels in a good spot. Double tap nerf will kill the re rollers such as

Very over dramatic. The best part of MM is rooting the melee blender together then do the Volley/salvo combo with trueshot up, doubletap is just icing on the cake. Makes me horny.

Glad you’re enjoying the zero defensive changes we are getting and loving Hunter being thrown into a meat grinder of Unpeelable melee but not many others are. Like I said this game just aint for me anymore if this is the meta and state of it.

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Yea. Are there any actual current class tunings posted or just potential future patches and ptr?

Mind games and link, :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Friday nights before 2 week break they announced around 7 pm pst. So hopefully tonight we get some tunning announced.

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That’s what I thought. “Jan 6 class tunings” made me think there were updates upcoming for Tuesday, not potential updates being worked on for a future date.

Yeah, use it to your advantage, most mid bracket melee will absolutely chase you behind a pillar.

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