Parallel Universe/Alternate Universe
Frost Lich Jaina
Muradin Bronzebeard to Jaina Proudmoore (Ill-fated journey to Northrend resulting in her becoming Frost Lich Jaina)
Kul’Tiran foot soldier: “Lady Jaina Proudmoore?”
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: "Quickly, my warriors! These murderous creatures have
burned our ships and robbed you of your way home! Slay them all in the name of Kul’Tiras!
Footman: “Damned Beasts!”
Knight: “Kill them all”
Footman: “Our ships are ruined. What will we do now?”
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: "Listen to me, all of you! There is no way home for any of us,
save through victory! In this land we will stand or fall together. Now, return to the base
and man your posts."
Muradin Bronzebeard: "You lied to your men and betrayed the mercenaries who fought for you, whats happening to you Jaina? Is vengenace
all that’s important to you?
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: "Spare me Muradin, there lives
clearly meant nothing to me and you weren’t
there to see what Mal’Ganis did to my homeland."
Lady Jaina Proudmoore and her forces facing off the Mal’Ganis and the Scourge like
the ??? had predicted defeated Mal’Ganis and claims frostmourne
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: “Arthas, I love you…”
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: “Arthas was right …at the end this was a suicidal mission.”