Jailor *****SPOILERS*****

Does anyone else think that he looks like Skullmaster from Mighty Max?


i don’t know what is that


He is “The Ice king” from “Adventure Time”


That is a name I have not heard in a very long time.


I think he looks like kratos.

When you realize the end of Mighty Max is using his power to revert back to the time before he discovered the hat because he didn’t listen to Virgil and let Skullmaster win?

replace gunter with Sylvanas and Marcelene’s dad with a generic Venthyr and this is hilarious…

Is that datamined model labeled Maw Jailer, THE Jailer or just a jailer from the Maw though? Cause the datamined one’s arms are way too big to be the dude from the cinematic.

I think I seen the image of him. Does he have a hole in his chest? What does this hole represent? Are they literally gonna go the Pirates of the Caribbean 2 route? Where people were claiming they might go? That there must always be a jailer? Really…?Really??

I don’t mind the hole tho tbh. I just wonder what it is suppose to symbolize.

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Probably just a minion, it’s under the NPC category with a bunch of other generic mobs.

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I hope he/she sings and dances.

Sylvanas will be the jailer.

He kinda does, I however still think he is Yogg-Saron in disguise.

Doesn’t look anything like him.


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Right? Also the show got real dark at times

The ending being the darkest really.

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they need someone epically awesome for the jailor of the dead

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I wonder who will voice the jailor? If he is just going to be around for this expansion I hope they can get a good villain voice actor. Tim Curry has retired and Tony Jay is gone. Maybe Frank Welker or Jim Cummings or possibly Mark Hamill.

The Arbiter also has a chest hole but there’s a black ball.

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Chris Metzen.