Jaedenar raps: Midai and Olystice(sp?)

It’s definitely a long shot, but anyone from the LK days happen to still have a copy of these songs? They posted them on the server forum as a little jaed rap battle thing.

I have no idea why this popped in my head randomly today, but they amused me so figured I’d see if anyone else remembered it. With no archive of the old forum it seems this dusty forum is my only hope lol

They are long gone as far as I know.

I actually do still have copies I’ve kept over the years. I have 4 songs that Olystice/Midai made back in the day.

Whoa really? Nice! I don’t know if it’s possible to get them to me somehow, maybe email? But I would be super appreciative if we could figure something out. My battle tag is Tethmes#1322. This just made my day!

i have this screenshot of Midai and it looks like we got married in shatt…

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I would also like these copies.


Plz send them to meee! CATURDAY#0904 disc.

Thank u. miss u.

Again, another super duper longshot but can someone provide me these raps? I knew this dude irl and had no idea he made raps!

Nobody ever reached out with them, so it’s probably a pipe dream at this point. If you still have a way to get in touch with him IRL that might be the best bet, and if you do I’d love if you could share them.

Nah I haven’t talked with him since BC. Last I saw him online, he made realm first 80 during WotLK.