Jaedenar Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Jaedenar (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Coravus Undead rogue
Rerolling on Herod
Timeout, orc warrior

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Troll/Orc Hunter
Guilds: Ruin, Warpath
Trade Chat MVP

Heres an old realm progression list.

Rank -Guild -World Rank
1- Warpath - 358
2- Rüin- 359
3- Strife (10)- 2240
4- Nubstars- 2900
5- Slumber Party- 4931
6- Occult- 5203
7- Order of Orgrimmar- 6548
8- Fight Club- 7444
9- TUGH- 7858
10- Morte Diventa- 8792
11- AbsoIution- 9585
12- I I I- 14688
13- mom dad im rattlesnake- 16003
14- Direct Workflow- 16256
15 Titanic- 17652
16- Exertus per Incendia- 19841
17- Allegiance- 22565
18- Blood Brothers- 23393
19- Squaids- 23936
20- Momentum- 24371

Wishing/syphilys/lyerossaybys- Holy paladin
Immure- Hunter
Guilds: We dont Like you either, Ruin , Blood brothers , irate, Zerg

BloodElf Paladin
Occult, Strife, GM of Slumber Party!

Alright all you Canadian Hordes. Or would it be Horde Canadians!? Let’s stay in contact when the realm list drops. Your favorite Troll, erm I mean Tauren, Magicfingers might make a comeback as well for classic.

I’ll be in touch.

Undead - Warlock
Encroaching Darkness, Exertus Per Incendia, Leonard Nemoy Love Doll, GM of Sparkle Motion/The Real Ghostbusters

Discord - Razzreal #7174


Troll - Shaman
EPI & Paradigm for a smidge.
Super awesomesauce wicked cool person. <3 All around fashionable goddess. Not totally full of herself. :stuck_out_tongue: No, but seriously…thought I’d peek around and see who all’s here.

Vlan, undead mage Blood Gaurd
Remington, tauren warrior Sergeant

Beserkerre Undead Rogue/ Pvpin Orc shaman / Relahr Orc Hunter
guilds Hellions Elites, Vengeance, and once hellions elites gm stopped playing it turned into Immortal Instruments.

Also just helpful website if somebody can’t remember the guild they were in, warcraftrealmsdotcom


hi trin

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Class: Shaman
Race: Pretty sure Troll
Guild: Logos

Class: Mage
Race: Undead
Guilds: Legacy

recognize you! Either Lanae or Nylith

sup! Lanae/Nylith Encroaching Darkness :slight_smile:

Hey! I played quite some time ago; my character was a hunter named Taurengirl on Jaedenar. I had a friend on there I remember named Grogg(was a green orc). would love to catch up!

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Nikoatae Female Blood Elf Hunter
Delite Female Blood Elf Paladin

My mom use to play the Paladin in a guild called Nightmare, Knights of Nosferatu.

Nikoatae the Hunter was my moms as well and she wind up letting me have her. I use to play in a guild called
Shinsugemi (typo I’m pretty sure). I wind up leaving that guild and had a brief stint with Strife before real life happened and I wind up quitting the game. But Shinsugemi was probably one of my favorite guilds across all the servers that I’ve played on and I regret leaving when I did.

Also, Banal and Gotbubbles… close friends that I had. I wind up server transferring and leaving them which I’m sorry about until this day. Hopefully we can reunite soon.

Some of my moms friends (that I recall) if they happen to run across this post:


Looking for Horde players, a warrior named Crossed and a Priest named Wizzi. You used to run with me as a shaman Lars and a mage named Warow. We also used to run with a rogue named Cill as well. Sure would be fun to re-connect. We used to run a lot of 5 mans together, some of my best WOW memories. We were in the same guild as well but I don’t recall the name of the guild.

Dankith - Rogue
Guilds: Logos, Paradigm, Equilibrium, and Strife.

Hi, i’m also Atomic.