Jadefire stomp needs to be "toggleable"

Something that I have noticed both in current retail and in beta as well. Is that jadefire stomp CANNOT be seen if you are not the monk casting it. This needs be to either be something that can be enabled to be seen or glyph-ed please! If I tanking, I want to be able to help the group as much as possible and that does include the healer as well. Its borderline criminal that it cannot be seen currently


YO this king knows whats up! My healer needs those jadefire resets and none of us can see where they cast it after the initial hit.

This has been an issue ever since that initial unannounced hotfix after Shadowlands launched that hid nearly all covenant abilities from view of every player except the one that cast it. It created some major annoyance for tanks in organized groups when they couldn’t see their allies’ critical ground effects, and Blizzard later backtracked on most of it with another hotfix (and also made the visuals less intense for everyone else).

I’m guessing they missed Faeline Stomp originally during this pass and Jadefire Stomp inherited the bug. I’d report it as a bug with the in-game tool in beta.