Jade Forest stuck in combat in remix

Every time I do quests or kill mobs in the northern areas of Jade Forest, particularly Terrace of Ten Thunders, I’m stuck in combat. Running halfway down the continent on foot did not help. I used a meteor chip to get to the far south of the zone in Nectarbreeze Orchard and I was still in combat. Logging out was the only way to fix it. It is not class specific, as it’s happened on at least four classes I’ve played so far, three of which do not have pets.

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What were you fighting last before getting stuck in combat? What abilities did you use? What tickers did you have equipped?

I don’t know the specific mob, I move quickly and on foot in between so I don’t always notice right away. It is always in Terrace of Ten Thunders, and not related to quest items because it happens farming mobs there while not on a quest. It happened on four different characters, so I was using all baseline BM hunter, shadow priest, ret paladin, and balance druid abilities. I don’t know if it’s related to tinkers, either, as combat issues in the zone have been reported prior to remix, but cold front, hailstorm, explosive barrage, meteor storm, slay, and meteor storm are the only ones that would probably cross over between all characters, however it’s possible some of them did not have those when it occurred if they were not kitted out yet.

I also just found another thread from early in the event so it sounds like a common issue in this area:

Could have been this mob for me, as well:

I’ve had that problem in that area. I task manager quit game. let it sit for a minute. log back in and i’m out of combat.

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