Jacked Murlocs now haunt my dreams

Now but for real, the Murkfin just are really jacked murlocs and it’s’ terrifying. Not even just jacked, either, apparently smart enough to take after anglerfish and have an “Arathi Captive” that isn’t even real! Gives me the shivers, yikes.


it occurs to me that in all these years ive nvr once had a wow related dream, seems almost odd that i haven’t considering all the time played

A Murloc and a Jinyu got really well acquainted some years back.


Neither have I… yet.

This is not something I wanted to consider

Hmm… so I guess that’s what happen when you bully murlocs too much, they study hard and hit the gym. Don’t we also got a truly jacked murloc for a mount as well as yeah no they used to be possibly cute but if they’re that big they’d be eating people like a fat kid does candy… I can see why they’d induce nightmares


Fun fact, the Jinyu are murlocs that got enhanced by the waters from the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Kinda like how Night Elves are evolved Trolls.

And we saw more in Naz’jatar, the deep-sea Jinyu (Ankoan) that moved out there.

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So… Murlocs and Jinyu are related if I remember right. If the Kobyss are void effected or death effected murlocs in the same vein then we have a neat tree.

Gorlocs → Murlocs
Murlocs → Jinyu → Ankoan
And possibly Murlocs → Kobyss.

This is just neat!

I vaugely remember a muscular Murloc near the bronze dragon oathstone where that dragon lady accidentally sends a murloc into the time stream. Like some kinda Cro-magnon murloc

They like worgen but fish, and there is a dogfish this xpac… :thinking:

That’s actually really interesting how that all works out.

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Do you think they’re prevalent on Azmerloth? :thinking:

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