Ive spent $1000 on tokens for gdkps

Well, you could log into Blizzard accoun and go to transactions.
SS that part.


Of course people have legitimately spent money on Tokens and gotten game gold.

Whether you believe someone who say, “Hi. I did a thing.” or not, doesn’t matter.


it’s the same as spending $$$ on something you will replace in short period of time, the the things you use/own none of them will last forever anyway! and most likely you’ll replace most of everything you own for no reason except that you just can do that.

when it come to gamaes, millions of people always spent thousands of $$$$ on useless things inside games even though they knew those items won’t last forever, people also pay insane amount of $$$ for costumes in many different games.

I myself spent +2k$ On useless steam badges just because i thought they’re good looking :sweat_smile:


Pretty sure there is a 20 token bought cap per week.

Which only makes this lie less believable than before.

Take the bump, idc anymore, hopefully you get a zucc from having this bumped. On the lowest possible assumption that you really did spend 1,000 dollars, then gg, you’re the whale that keeps Blizzard’s lights on. They thank you for your service.


the same ones spending gold in gdkps so they can flex for the next few months. whether you buy the gold or earn it legit, it still boils down to the same reason.


The whole time thing makes no sense to me. What if you join a gdkp and no plate drops?

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They did away with the cap

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Oh I know people bought Tokens. I’m doubting his claims of spending 1000 USD on tokens.

That is a significant claim and is kind of his entire point in the post of “Look at me I did a thing and this is what other people are doing”.

Despite popular belief, your average 5/5 ToGC GDKP doesn’t have things going for gold cap.


How does the story end though, like what were you hoping to achieve? I assume you bought some items already

I could think of 1000 better ways to spend 1k than gear that will be obsolete in 2 months.

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I saw Death’s Choice go for 240K the first couple of weeks. That was the highest bid I’ve seen on anything so far. More like 50K for the healing trinket, and I’ve seen the tanking trinket go for that also. Kind of depends on who is in the run, what they’re going for, and how much gold they have!

It definitely does seem though that if someone is really wants to gear up in GKDPs, they could gear up really well with $1000 of token gold. But they might not get a 50:50 278 cloak, DC, and 258 tier.

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things went for insane prices on the first week, check that screenshot link

on a side note, i personally know someone who recently got Hc-DV with direct payment of €200 & Both party was happy about the deal,Him to get the item he wanted and the guild who sold it! it wasn’t a gdkp, so even if gdkp doesn’t exist payers will still find ways to pay for items.

P.S 200Euro is 10x token and that’s 75k gold on EU so for him it was pretty cheap price for the trinket but probably to them a direct cash payment can’t be compared to receiving gold then dealing with selling the gold.

original post does have that feel.

What about Blizzard order record with stuff blocked out? :o

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OP should have saved more than that. COuld have have saved that 1000 up for one hell of a weekend in vegas or someplace really.

now they maybe got an item that is trash on icc drop. and in 1 years no one will care if they got it. Including them.

Since thread is about buying stuff…to take better be video I spent about $600 total and some change to scare up an Atomos Ninjya 5 system to expand on mirrorless setup.

Unlike op’s it items I will be using this next year. also if I sold it…I could sell at 50% to start. Hope op enjoys their shiny in game item. 3 weeks into icc they can sell it for 20 gold at a vendor.

Who asked?

it’s not about what he should do with his 1k $

I find it weird when he said

he could join casual guild and raid with them…togc is under 1hour raid but if he can’t even play 1hour in the whole week?

then why would he pay if he won’t play, i mean what is the point in getting gear in the first place? he is not even playing! and if he’s just casual who log in limited free time then he should enjoy the game without being bothered to get into gdkp to buy items.

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Lots of people. 1,000 isn’t that much for whales. People just spent 13,000. for a ring in a GDKP run. Lets also not forget the price tags in other games. Someone bought an Echoing fury in D3 for 14,000 USD. People have spent 100,000 USD in Diablo Immortal. There are some games where players spend on average 10-20,000 USD. They are the big gamers and whales that keep lot of games going.

I’ve spent 1,000’s in games myself. Never that much in WoW though. Honestly don’t look at 1,000 as much to spend in a game these days, especially if it gets you that sweet BiS gear so you can have fun and enjoy yourself. Then it’s money well spent.


Sounds like you have an addiction and need to just quit the game. Maybe stick to SPs that don’t have cash shops on them.

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dude your posting on a level 70 for attention making up so bogus claim to stir the pot. everyone knows the truth, why the cherade?