I've said the problem was warpaint

It was still a problem though, that got finally handled.

It’s still better than what Fury has had since SL, which is nothing.

Also the biggest issue I had with Fury is their inability to die, they should have nerfed Enraged Regen, Invigorating Fury, and Battle Trance by 40% to compensate for the HP buff

didn’t need a second thread within a 24h cycle about literally the same thing

athalen “stalker/12 y.o” prekick too for good measure

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The problem isn’t warpaint. The problem is the lack of complexity/ tools that would allow fury to actually pvp. These changes and the mindset behind them just drop fury back down to b/c tier with still meme gameplay.

Which is sad, because they had an opportunity to make it fun to play and rewarding to counterplay.

You are wrong, but
 even inside your own premise, warpaint has EVERYTHING to do about lack of complexity.

We talking about WARRIORS, SPEC (FURY) and more than one person are asking for “complexity” and NOT to “hit mindlessly”

Nearly every class has a talent point or two that provide passive dmg reduction in some way.

Attempting to PvE a target down through uptime with bt/bb/rp is the only viable strategy fury has. 2 of the 5 capstones are unplayable. Slam and WW are not worth hitting, even if you choose to invest 4-5 talent points in them.

But you want them to change warpaint without recognizing the design flaws that fury has had for years, including when it took bonus dmg while enraged? Ok.

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I caught another mouse last night. It was nice to eat meat again. It’ll be two weeks since the dragons came come Monday.

OP why do I have such a hard time reading your posts? What wizardry are you employing to confuse me? It’s like you’re not writing the same language sometimes.


Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!


These takes are so fried. Let me break this down for you.

Fury warrior, before the nerfs, were able to sustain with warpaint, bloodthirst healing (blood thirst basically being on a 0 sec CD when enraged), battle trance and gushing.

On top of that, their mobility with two charges, short leap and a root break was phenomenal.

ON TOP OF THAT, they had the best MS IN THE GAME paired with a high-damage profile. The MS, which apparently has “nothing to do with the problem” is fundamentally the reason Fury warrior excelled in the last two seasons of SL.

In an arena or RBG setting, I don’t care if something simply can’t die. I only really care if it doesn’t doesn’t die and creates the pressure of 3 other classes.

These changes are good. Warpaint isn’t the only problem with the class.


I care about that.
Did you know dead players cannot cause pressure?

Not really. Few things. BB is tied to RA/ rp, not enrage. Gushing has been double nerfed now and there are few times that Trance is the pick. P/G, IV and BI are probably worse offenders.

2 of the 5 capstones are still dead in pvp. The rotation is still rp/bb/bb/bt/rp. Fury absolutely needed changes. But these nerfs don’t really do anything to make the gameplay more interesting.

I dont know what kind of complexity you want for warriors
 arms are more technical fighters, fury is suposed to hit mindlessly

What you want? more buttons in your rotation? fury already has 2 different playstyles throught annihilator.

Maybe you are playing wrong class, feral may fit your playstyle.

Rerolling from A tier down to C tier never happens. If people reroll from Fury they will go with DH, Rogue, Spriest, Lock or anything that is S tier.

I hope you are right, i don’t want to breath same air as fury warriorsz

I mean of course that is how it goes. Most Players only want to play S tier and Fury probably mid A tier. Arms is C tier so that isn’t an option.

Arms has a 50% MS applicable in one global that lasts 10 seconds and is refreshable in 5 seconds.
Fury now has a 12%/24%/36% MS applicable in 5-7 globals that lasts 9 seconds and is not refreshable.

Makes perfect sense.

tell me you don’t play arms without telling me you don’t play arms

it’s 25% in PvP and only can become 50% for 5s with the use of sharpen blade on a 25s cd that only starts to cool down when you apply it


Fury feral and dh didnt need mortal strike in the first place imo.

Supatease just predicted the same as me

Mongoose bite treatment for slaughterhouse probably kill the spec

Remember back in the day that dampening effects were rare af and highly valued?