I've had the time of my life, and I owe it all to

I’m just now seeing this too. Heh, I haven’t even started the expansion yet. Word on the street it’s a casual-killer. It’s bad out there for plebs like moi and it was reported that half of the playerbase dropped out since launch. 9.1 is looking promising, and it paid me dividends to do the research. The big thing is that PvP ilvl upscaling is coming back from WoD. That’s going to greatly reduce the ilvl disparity in PvP situations. Venthyr is going to get buffed(which was accidentally my proposed first pick) and its more frequent on-demand damage will be useful.

Our servers have also merged with a couple of others, and the bad news is that it’s now supposedly a Horde dominant affair. The good news is that I’m not looking forward to doing any PvP A-side so I won’t have to eat poo like I did early on in BFA. But the traditional Alliance main that I am likes to keep things fair and clean! If the PvP is not too easy nor too hard I have prospects.

I only used one Token so far to train a new Hunter and explore the DK Legion story like I’ve been wanting to. 9.1 should be the full comprehensive starter set to start making the streets of SW and IF mean again.