I've had my post removed due to no game time - I'm paid through June of 2021

Any mods here that can assist? I have a notification that you have removed a post of mine due to no game time, yet my account is fully paid through June 1st 2021. I would appreciate a reply.

Thank you.

Um, the only reason that a mod removes a post, is because it violates the forum code of conduct or got tagged by the spam filter. I never heard of them removing a post because of lack of game time.

If you are having trouble posting, try logging out of the site and back in a few times.

Did you just resub?

I’m not having trouble posting, I received a system message that they removed my post due to not having game time on my account. The post was made just fine, it was the removal that raises the issue.

been active since April this year with no lapse.

I would try logging out of and then back in to the forums and see if the post appears then.

If it doesn’t, report it as a bug in the Web forum.

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