3s queues are incredibly lucrative compared to shuffle and blitz.
I’m just going to do 3s instead of griefing myself in win trader’s lobbies.
I don’t have a pack of friends that are in discord with me so I can’t compete in the brackets that they gain control of.
I’m no longer participating in these other modes until they are replaced by rated arena skirmishes and bgs where friends can queue all together instead of declining the queue 50 times.
I legit just went through 23 minutes of all wins in 3s on my disc while in queue for blitz on my lock and then I dropped group due to ignorance thinking the blitz was more important, but it wasn’t.
I wish I had not advocated for solo queue on these forums, because of the way it was implemented. I thought it was a good idea from other players and that it would be better for all of us, but it’s not, because these modes are susceptible to win trading.
Basically the solo queue of rated arena skirmishes that we all imagined wasn’t implemented. We got solo shuffle. 6 rounds are too much of a commitment most of the time.
I mean it depends what they do with solo q 3s right. If they allow people to queue as a group of 2 or 3, then they would have to make it so groups of 3 only queue into other groups of 3, and solo players only queue into solo players. That might heavily impact the queue time though, not sure how bad it’d end up being.
The alternative would be not allowing anyone to group together for ‘rated solo 3s’ that way its all solo players with no comms. I think its pretty clear what blizz wanted with shuffle, if 1 team has a meta comp and the other doesn’t, you get the chance to be on both sides of that.
Shuffle makes more sense than rated 3s I think just due to making it fair. You will probably have win traders trying to line up the queue in rated solo 3s as well if that were a thing, there is really no difference between how that queue would be handled. I also think there would be just as much griefing in rated solo 3s as there is in shuffle, but it might feel even worse due to not having the chance to play with the non grief players to get a W.
I applaud you for deciding to socialize and play 3s. I too am enjoying 3s. This win trading junk needs to stop, it’s really cringe when people actually believe they are a victim of it.
wait huh? in what way is rated 3s more lucrative than shuffle? unsure if anythings changed but in DF solo gave way more honor + conq, also the field medic things