I've been enjoying Cata Classic

I’ve been enjoying Cata Classic. :slight_smile: It’s fun to go back and play a Holy Pally, in this version. It was fun during Wrath, too, but I hadn’t jumped into Classic, yet. I’ll be hoping for BFA and SL Classic, because our melee healing, at the time, was bursty, punchy, a lot of fun. :slight_smile: :heart:

Thank youuu!



yea holy paladin is really fun this time around. the aoe heals is super nice.
wrath was super boring. just plea on cd n stand there lol wish
i could say the same for priest. theyre so bad.


Wrath healing! xD It was great! I loved throwing on one of the 3 judgements to get a cool dmg/heals/mana buff/thing. /sit back. lol :slight_smile:

I liked healing in Cata as a priest ><" because it was my first goblin and the effects to show some of your skills looked so cool!

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I gotta admit i am enjoying Priest healing in cata, but i preferred it in Wotlk.

My Hpal and Rsham, however, feel massively better in cata and more fun to play.

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it is most fun but the mana issues are so killer. if any fight last longer than like phase 2 in heroics ur out of the game and u have to hope ur mage doesnt go oom before u do. its been a pain playing as holy and disc tbh even with buffs n pots lol. just need to figure it out but while its more fun than wrath the mana is really tough for me this time idk its been ez as hpal but i miss playing hpriest (was bad in wrath too) and i just cant play it here.
/endrant lol.

Hpal and especially Rsham just feels so good in cata. This, in my mind, is their peak design.

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8.0, 8.1 and 8.2 BFA was atrocious however 8.3 BFA was some amazing fun. Corruption was the best and most fun idea they ever tried in WoW. Also the Heart of Azeroth essences were amazing. Attaining essences and corruption wasn’t fun though.

Also Island Expeditions were tons of fun. Doing gigantic pulls and farming Azerite or the PvP one to farm conquest. World Quest were great and fast.

Then the most fun I ever had Raiding was doing 30 Tank Heroic Raids stacking TD corruption and Sotw essence. RBGs and WPvP was also lit.

So it’s a real shame 8.0-8.2 were so bad and they had no QoL to attain needed gear even in 8.3. However if Classic BFA launched with patch 8.3 and it was easy to attain corruption and essences like Bind on account. It could be a good time.

I really want WoD though for Glad stance the best Dps spec to ever be in the game.