I've Been Converted...I want Layering Gone

or not, that goes completely against every promise.
furthermore, it fundamentally impacts world pvp, hurts community growth, and impacts world bosses.

Yea it’s amazing until you realize the problems and limitations with what you’re suggesting in a game that was designed back in 2004 to support a playerbase where 3k was the server cap.

or you know, they could just remove layering and let the queues fly. maybe then those who refused to transfer can think back to those free transfers they turned down.

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It does none of those things. The very fact you think it does shows you don’t understand what layering is doing right now.

I think you’re pretty ignorant of the problems that layering solves BEYOND the queue times and it shows.

You might be fine with it, a large amount of people were not. Hence why Blizzard added it.

except it literally does.
when i see a message saying a city or zone is under attack, and respond and see nothing. that is an impact.
when i hear there is a huge battle going on in STV and i show up and don’t see it. that is an impact.
when i can’t interact with everyone on my server because i don’t see them all, that is an impact.
as for world bosses, even blizzard admits that each server should only have one kazzak. but go ahead and keep thinking layering doesn’t impact that.[quote=“Amideus-boulderfist, post:65, topic:300548, full:true”]
I think you’re pretty ignorant of the problems that layering solves BEYOND the queue times and it shows.
layering solves people being able to play the game. thats it.
it doesn’t solve zone crowding beyond what a normal server would have, that would be any form of sharding doing that. but we don’t have sharding. which is why despite layering you see some zones with lots of people in them. raven hill was packed last week when i was there.
what else does layering solve? nothing. it literally is used to get more people to see the world without having dead servers down the line. thats it.

well guess what? blizzard put a phase 2 release limit on layering, and that clock is ticking. you can kick and scream about queues all you want but blizzard warned you AGES ago that queues would be severe when layering was removed.

specific section in question…

so good luck.[quote=“Amideus-boulderfist, post:66, topic:300548, full:true”]
You might be fine with it, a large amount of people were not. Hence why Blizzard added it.

except those people will have to face the music eventually. blizzard WILL remove layering.

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Layering doesn’t have anything to do with Queue times.

The population is more spread out, in terms of levels. They are no longer crammed into the starting zones. So layering can go bye bye!

[quote=“Leecher-myzrael, post:68, topic:300548”]
Layering doesn’t have anything to do with Queue times.

but it does.

Explain to me…

(Just an example)…A server can hold 10k(Max). Once we reach that number we have a Queue. What does that have to do with layering? (again this is just a simple example)

Using your numbers as an example, each layer can hold 10k (max). It’s not 10k per server, spread between layers. It’s 10k per layer with some number of layers per server. If 50k people want to play on a given server and there are 5 layers, there is no queue, as opposed to a 40k person queue without layering.

back in vanilla the cap was 3,000 people (ish). the servers themselves, today, can actually handle much more, but the world is the limiting factor. so what layering does is allow a single server to make copies of the world. so instead of just 3,000, you could have up to 6,000, 9,000, etc. depending on the number of layers you have.

when you remove layering, the world goes back to holding 3,000. and everyone else goes to the line (queue).

(Just an example)

The server has a max. The max is 10k. I Believe, each server has a limit and that creates the Queue. If we use your example, there would never be a Queue because the server would just create another layer.

Ion explains it well. back in the day the cap was 3,000. by using layering they can use less servers, but let the tourists see it and then leave, leaving behind healthy population servers instead of dead servers.
they do this by making copies of the world. so that 3,000 becomes 6 thousand, 9 thousand, so on and so forth, depending on the number of layers.
the server can handle more people then the actual world can.

let me make it easier. lets say the server (not the world, the actual computer server) could handle 30,000 people.
the world can only hand 3,000 though due to crowding, available resources, and what not.
layering lets that single server make up to 10 copies of the world, allowing the other 27,000 peoples worth of space to be used.

when layering goes away when phase 2 hits though, that 30,000 won’t matter though because we will only have 1 world. only the 3,000 it can support. everyone else will be in a queue.

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I question this. are the servers layering ONLY dividing players across layers or is it being used to greatly extend beyond the servers cap? because if its being used to have all the servers over pop then removing it now will bring back the ques just as bad if not worse.

this. a server that could only support 3,000 is instead supporting 6,000 or 9,000.

and yet, come phase 2 it is being removed either way. bringing back queues anyway. enjoy it while you can.

Which may delay phase 2 until the content drought gets enough people to drop it.

i don’t think this is a good answer at all. you need a balance between the hardcores and the people who just want to play casually.

Agreed, layering has gone on for way too long, especially on the servers that could already have it removed entirely. I want to see everyone!

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Idiot I MOVED SERVERS to get on a better server, I took my free realm transfer. Quite being an ignorant prick just because you are too stupid to understand the situation. I’m not kicking and screaming about anything.