Ivar Bloodfang is a pretty cool guy

I woke up and this was literally the first thing on my mind for the worgen/forsaken buddy cop thing spitballed earlier in the thread.
Setting is injured worgen, and the forsaken is performing surgery.

:skull:: The configuration of your internal organs is truly fascinating. Would you be willing to shift forms while I watch? I’d love to witness the process that occurs on the inside.
:wolf:: Absolutely not. I don’t like changing in front of other people.
:skull:: Are you sure? I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.
:wolf:: I said NO.

A stitching goes awry
:wolf:: GRAGH! I thought you said you were a doctor!
:skull:: I said I have the hands of a doctor.
The forsaken pops off his leg bone and hands it to the worgen
:skull:: Here, bite down on this.
:wolf:: Muffled howling

:skull:: If you don’t survive, would you be willing to donate your body to science?
:wolf:: You can’t be serious.
:skull:: Deadly.
:wolf:: Don’t SAY that!
Worgen smacks the forsaken’s head off with his own leg bone
:skull:: The surgery proceeds apace.

Wound is closed up
:skull:: And that should do it! You’ll be good as new in no time.
:wolf:: Still gnawing on the leg bone
:skull:: …May I have my leg back now?
:wolf:: Growls
:skull:: Fine, but you’re not getting a lollipop.


I wouldn’t trust the mission tables… they also have missions for the Alliance evacuating Teldrassil. Little bit late for that now…

I completely agree with the other posts here that I feel like the Worgen have a lot of wasted potential, that could be incredibly cool.

I kind of just want Gilneas to come back after some theoretical timeskip, only now due to all the plague, and old gods, and cataclsym and the other 6 disasters that have occurred since the Worgen starting zone that the zone is now some sort of cursed landscape. With Drust, and Scourge, and Wild Worgen, ghosts, and stay Old God minions all just… mucking about there. Gilneans have returned, but many of the outlying villages, and even the city enforce strict curfews due to how dangerous it gets at night. With Worgen patrolling the edges of each town at night, serving as the Witch Hunters (literally with the Drust), and Night Guard to protect Gilneas from the darkness that lurks.

I mean, I just wish there was a full zone that was all the dark Gothic horror themes mixing up all the classic horror themes. With Venthyr, Worgen, Forsaken, Thaddeus-like creations, Witches, etc.


I absouleltly love everything about this idea. This is exactly the kind of stuff I want to see for Worgen.

Only thing I will say is I think Shadowlands is going to be the last expansion we ever see Scourge and Drust again, with it being Death themed I don’t think we will see Undead as a problem anymore, and the Drust stuff seems like it might get resolved in Ardenweald.

But I still love the creepy idea of this post! With the Worgen we got the introduction of Harvest Witches, which are like “good, nature based” witches. But what about bad witches? Did Gilneas have any of those? I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have?

I would love to see Gilneas get revamped and like you said it has some Drust type witches there, feral mindless worgen, and maybe some of the mindless that have gone crazy from the Lich King helm being broken are still in Gilneas. Think about it, it is abandoned, sort of, so let the Gilneans reclaim Gilneas and have to deal with the lingering undead problem on top of evil witches and mindless worgen.

With it, maybe the Kul’tirans lend out some of the Order of Embers to come help as well so Gilneas gets this dark, gothic, witch hunter vibe throughout the whole zone.


In 8.3 I was quietly hoping the Forsaken and Worgen might lead the charge against the Black Empire. You don’t see any in either Horrific Visions despite them living in Org/SW so I actually thouhjt maybe they were hinting at that. N’Zoth attacks the mind and the Forsaken and Worgen are the most mentally disciplined so it would’ve made sense.


Quick Aside: But why were the Vulpera not involved in Uldum? I mean, you have a desert race just introduced to the faction, and then a major fight in one of the 3 (remaining) desert zones in the game. Seems like a natural fit.

To your point: The Undead have historically been shown to be resistant to Old God Corruption as of Wrath. Would have been great to see some offshoot organization of the Forsaken involved entirely in fighting against Old God Threats. Give them some sort of unique flair like a Paranormal Investigations Unit, or something else like the Eye of the Abyss.

As for the Worgen, would be cool to have their own form of Witch Hunters / Inquisitors that specifically had to fight against weird threats, and the like. The Worgen are British, how cool would it be to see some sort of play on … well… any of the old pulp British Detective books. A dapper Worgen Detective investigating the foul dealings of N’zoth influenced minions causing mischief in the cities.


As soon as I heard that Worgen were introduced as a race and they were from Gilneas I was so happy. Gilneas was already a dark, gothic, Victorian setting, but throw in werewolves? Hell yes! So I would love a Witch Hunter/Inquisitor type aesthetic for Worgen. A group of people who become monsters to fight those monsters that go bump in the night. That is what Blizzard should have given us.

Think Van Helsing but as werewolves.

Also it is funny that you mention the Worgen Detective because that is basically what this character is hahahahaha.

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Gilneas: “When things go bump in the night, these monsters bump back!”
Or comedy tagline option, “Bumpin’ Uglies”

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There’s a Worgen detective, his name is Halford Ramsey and he’s kinda like Sherlock Holmes

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I really wish they added him to the game, he was really cool and interesting in the Curse of the Worgen comics. I also wish Alpha Prime was in the Gilneas starting zone as well.