Itsss bacckkkkkk

If Blizzard didn’t want us to make premades why would they keep the AV numbers in the game?

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You say Shadowmeld is not good for PvP but no examples are given. It’s useful for NE Druids to drink and eat while not being detected. For Hunters it allows the jump on their enemy which is huge in PvP. You just don’t know how to use it effectively. I would agree that warstomp is more useful in PvP combat but their are use advantages to shadowmeld including the increase stealth level.

Escapse artist is BIS for Rogue and warriors for PvP which helps against snares to counter their hardest matches a Mage and Druid.

Perception is very good in PvP for finding Druids and Rogues which is huge in WSG, AB and world pvp.

But once again Alliance faction is better for PvP due to Paladins and the racials aren’t bad you just need to know how to use them effectively.


Walk tall, Alliance brothers. Best wishes.

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Lol what?

Racials are a handicap so being able to effectively get premades into AV is what exactly? Magic?


we’re tryhards when you spergs hang in discord with 30 other sweaty dudes hahahahaha


Yeah that’s what i thought when i read it too.

We’re the try hards?? :rofl::rofl:


Man i couldn’t take it. I did one game. The people in those premade discord make you hate humanity haha.

Cool, maybe the queues will be playable again.

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That’s the thing about Classic in 2020. It’s a volatile and ephemeral piece of garbage. People are learning that they have little to lose with it.

Horde don’t use discord for premade WSG, or AB when it comes out?

You expect me to believe that you weren’t part of the incessant griefing of FP’s and camping of boats and exploiting the guards not attacking at Menethil? please. What could be more self evident of the amount of try-hards you people really are.

You guys even changed the meta of AV because you have to spend so much time in the queue because of the faction imbalance, that only got worse because of all the people who quit the game because of P2 release. You all thought it was the funniest thing ever, until you had to sit in queue forever. SO yea, the minority has instant queue’s because there’s a never ending river of you guys and you people have the balls to get mad at them for using the same app yall use every day in your guilds.

So in answer to your question. Absolutely without question to the fullest extent, you guys are the try-hards. It’s indisputable.

Me and my boys have been abusing this non stop :joy:

Get off me is right about racials.
Alliance are pvp racials, that is their only useful function.

Shadowmeld is the bomb and you got to be a noob to think perception isn’t good for pvp at all. Wotf ilike perception depends on situation rogues don’t fear there for wotf useless against rogues in rogue fights.

I’m gunna absolutely laugh if this gets people banned, for trying to circumvent the queue system again. I’ll be watching the CS forums in the meantime too.


Like a lvl19 twink rogue doesn’t say “I’m an absolute flog”…

what makes me laugh is they brag on wow forums lol hello alliance pre made player i am hammer

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Paladins alone are the best pvp healers in the game, and not only are they tanky as hell they also have invulnerability and can remove cc from allies.
Shamans have some fun gimmicks but nowhere near the potency of paladins

I cant believe how many people think its an exploit. Its not. Horde would be able to do the same if they were grossly under-represented. And they would be the sweaty try hards in discord. It really is mind boggling how people cant see numbers and math

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Oh my god. You can only use the same excuse of “Phase 2” for so long before people stop feeling sorry for you. You really need to move on. I still have alliance camping flight paths on my server, and you act like you are the only one that was victimized by the honor system being launched. News Flash: the alliance isn’t a bunch of Mary Sues.

Your faction is just as keen when it comes to exploiting the horde for their own gain. In fact the alliance even exploited their own faction, and now they are trying to circumvent a change that blizzard made to the queuing system, because your faction can’t handle premading vs other premades in WSG. You’re honestly pathetic.

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we’re in P2.

Havnt lost to a single AV “premade” since they came back. Horde adapted.