Hi Blizzard/Dev team;
Did you know its winter here in the southern hemisphere?
Plus Australia is AWESOME! btw I wouldn’t mind it being a Winter festival if that would be okay with you/patch it maybe next year?
Also could we please get some nice weather pattens happening inside the world maybe an Orgrimmar weather man or woman to help forecast the weather for that day.
perhaps it could help herb growth and maybe with heavy rain, the player could find a lot of Ore. due to the water hitting the earth and mountains/rocks, also maybe this could mean that the animals could spawn a little faster due to having more grass to eat, for skinners.
My last thing I would ask for is could you rebuild Org once this whole war chief. I mean i realise you’ve already decided the outcome of the whole fight… the dark lady’s days are numbered…but omg ur taking away the one undead queen we have… 
Anyhow thank you for you’re time and perhaps patients in reading this; with love from me <3
Once they’ve fixed the day/night cycle here, then they can move on to fixing the seasons.
Oh why not? would it truly take that much of an effort to change it i realise the servers are in Sydney. it wouldn’t effect cross server action.
The game is made and designed by a company in the Northern Hemisphere. Switching the seasons for people that live in the Southern Hemisphere could potentially be a large job depending on how they originally coded it. I wouldn’t hold my breath for a change if I was you. BTW Australia is not awesome. Pretty much every animal there is a piece of nightmare fuel looking for an excuse.
because we are the best country in the world thats why other then Canada or Singapore.
What makes it the best? For claiming how awesome it is you sure couldn’t come up with any fair reasoning.
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While that is nice, it is Summer in Azeroth. You’re not playing World of Southern Hemisphere. Or World of Australia (though that could be a cool game).
Ozzy Man makes Australia ozzome.
It’s FREEZING here; all those flashes of fire make me feel warm.

we don’t have gun crimes or as much as the US I don’t have to be worried about some gun nuts, also we have almost universal health care. I could list every reason why it is. also just because half of our animals are deadly… simple don’t piss them off… how easy is that.
I reported a crime to the police and they didn’t turn up and execute me.
I find that pretty awesome personally.
Amen. There’s something strangely pleasant about celebrating a fire-themed festival whilst you’re freezing to death.
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Yeah I will give you that. You still run concentration camps though just like the US currently does though. You just put them out of sight on islands.
Nice, that doesn’t happen in the US either. Looks like we’re both lucky.
You know my business partner was just down there for a week and a half while his wife was there for work… What is up with you guys and BBQ, but like no BBQ places anywhere? I’m taking awesome points for simply that.