Its to easy to lock down Menethil Harbor for the Horde currently

Faction balance aside, Horde have multiple important travel hubs that are located in non contested zones in addition to being protected by level 55 elite guards who also have nets and a knock back that prevent Alliance players from easily camping inside the zeppelins and killing players all day.
What does Alliance have? Menithil harbor is a contested zone for level 30’s yet is the most important travel hub for the Alliance, Outside of a boat from booty bay (which leads to a non contested horde zone) It’s the only way Alliance are able to get from one continent to the other. All there is “guarding” these boats are a couple of level 39 non-elite guards. So what ends up happening is 1 or 2 level 60’s can sit inside the boat to Theramore or Darkshore and kill low level players to their hearts content. Essentially shutting down players trying to get to and from zones to level.
I get it “pvp on a pvp server” but why do horde not have this same vulnerability in that case? The only thing Alliance can do is camp the boats themsleves to protect level 20’s and 30’s from greifers, which makes no sense when horde has bots that do it for them. They can travel from Kalimdor to the Eastern Kingdoms without being flagged once on a PVP server in comparison. Sure you can gank the people camping the boats, but they’ll just come back as soon as you go to do anything else.
I just think that its fair that low level players on the Alliance get the same protection from greifers that the horde enjoy, and make the risk of ganking a major Alliance travel hub equal to doing the same to horde. Menethil harbor can get a few guards that are on par with what the Horde have to make it somewhat risky to camp low levels, its not going to break the game or wpvp. Blizzard has already made changes regarding Guards in other areas of the game and I think this would be a fair #nochanges friendly addition.


I mean, I agree that horde have it easy when it comes to this, but #nochanges


lvl60 horde priests sometimes give fortitude to low -level horde players, as they jump out of the zeppelin.

they die when they land to fall damage, due to the %health gained from the buff.

So as you can see, its not safe for the horde either.


Not safe for the horde when your own faction is griefing each other, Interesting.

No changes

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no changes

Or they can take the stairs which is an extra 10 seconds longer.

If the server population was the same as it was during vanilla, or there were caps based on faction, then at least you could get a group to take it back. Last time I logged on there were a dozen horde on the boat, and you now If you actually make a group to fight them, they will see a place with a group of allies to farm, and bring 80 of their friends.
At least if you are horde and your server is imbalanced (on the one or maybe two that are) you can move around protected.
If we want no changes, the population shouldn’t be so large! Occasionally in Vanilla there would be a fight there, but not a permanent one.


Damn… I need to roll a priest and camp zeps. o.O

Blizzard favours the Horde- this proves they always have, and the last few xpacs have proven they still do beyond a doubt.

Horde is the no risk faction players that want it easy roll on- don’t expect getting the same benefits they do for being the faction Blizz devs play.


should have rolled pve.

Odd. Here I thought that having falling damage a % of max health meant that increasing health with a buff does nothing.

Alliance have Paladins.


The Horde zeps are for babies, guarded by little baby men! The Horde back in Vanilla should have rolled PvE!!!

It only works because the health isn’t healed. As an example, a guy with 200 hp that suddenly gets an extra 200 hp via fort will now be at 50% life because he hasn’t regenerated the new max hp yet.

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dunno, I was alliance in vanilla for the most part. Back in the day we adapted instead of cried on the forums.


Me and my rogue buddy would stroll the back alleys of Orgrimmar. Those Horde zep guards were effective deterrence. We had to adapt to guards, not tell people to roll on PvE realms.

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I always laugh at the " #nochange"

The whole server dynamic is change due to the population cap.


Remind me again where the back door to SW is or IF or Darn?
If it wasn’t for the population imbalances on your server you wouldn’t be complaining.
Alliance are blizzards favorite going all the way back to leveling zones city planning quests…
Pallys… AV… etc etc

If the classic devs back then saw these ships, like they saw Alliance rogues on top of the Horde AH back then, they would’ve probably added elite guards. The lack of change is a change when it comes to guards.