It's time to throw your players a bone when introducing new races

You need to start giving at least one free race change token to players when new races are introduced. Make it part of the expansion itself, as long as it’s a part of all versions including the base expansion.


Honestly not a bad idea. Ion has repeatedly said on camera that blizz doesn’t really make much money from services such as race or name changes etc. Most of their money comes from the sub/box price and in-game purchases like cosmetics. So this freebie shouldn’t realy cost them very much.


I thought this was going to be some twisted post of demanding X race, but it turned out to be an actually decent idea. :grin: :+1:

Would certainly help increase the viewability of said-new races. :dracthyr_nod:
:thinking: Or at the very least perhaps make some offer like: “Free Race change if you want to become the X new race!”


They could do that… Or just wait for people to buy it in the store for some extra dosh anyways. All they need to do to get people buying the most expensive version of an expansion is announcing paid(by the customers) QA anyways, unless people don’t see the value in the package they sell, they won’t add more bang for buck.

You might need a work around for the transmog set though. If I’m not mistaken, in order to get that achievement, you have to actually level that race. You can’t race change to it.

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Well, you would be leveling that race in the expansion it’s coming in, so…

at least 10 levels of it anyway. lol

I’m sure something could be done.

Doesn’t seem to be an issue for those who have bought race changes, so not sure how different it simply being free would be.

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Easy way around that. Level a throwaway alt to unlock the heritage mog. Then delete that character. Then race change the character you actually want. I’ve done that for all my AR toons.


Happened to read the hotfixes just now.


…then the players would have to pay to race change back. That’s genius! :bulb:

Maybe a limited version that only works to change to that race but not to any other.

Yes, because adding extra coding work will surely make Blizz want to consider this.

You realize that people buying a race change is entirely the point of adding new races? They’re not going to do this because it defeats the point.

Well you stated goal was to allow people to switch to said new race, not use it to (for example) change my NE to a BE. Without that restriction they will never do it because it will cost them money as it becomes a free race change for everyone regardless of what race they want to become.

And if you already have to buy the expansion to get the free token, they’ve made their money. Some people on the fence about the expansion, who see paying for an expansion PLUS a race change as a reason to just not buy it, will decide it’s now worth it to them. Not to mention Blizz could use all the good will they can get after the last couple expansions. They stand to make more than less here.