It's time to talk about TBC

They should have some fresh start servers and some character transfer servers

3months :rofl: 6months of AQ then 6 months of Naxx, TBC if it is coming is 12months away at least.

Lol ill quit wow altogether before I play retail. I’ll never play retail again.

Hell yea. I’m actually just starting a 59 twink now (who will become a 69) since I’ve finished my 49s.

Something to think about: they probably want to give us at least four months with AQ. Do you all think the fact that the gates will open at different times on different servers will affect how long before Naxx comes out?

ppl 1 shot MC in the first week of classic too. BWL released 6 months later.

It’s not time actually. I want TBC badly too, which is the main reason I am on classic among others. Point is, the announcement won’t happen until Blizzcon this year (or around that time frame if the event gets cancelled).

The expansion will be announced at that time frame, then released closer to next summer most likely…after the last Classic raid has been out for at least a few months - which will also give Shadowlands the time it needs to establish itself as well.

I just hope they release it via patch progression. I get they couldn’t really do it with classic, but they have all the TBC patches available.

as the past year has shown classic is a waste of time or the way they recreated it anyway. so id rather not see a wasted effort put in this anymore id rather see retail get better and have some of those old school elements put back in the game

It likely generated blizz many millions in additional revenue, and it’s still very populated, so it doesn’t seem like a waste of time to me.

No way are you getting it in 6 months. You have to wait for blizzcon for the announcement and then at least a year of hype before it hits “beta” servers.

I’m expecting an announcement at “blizzcon” in whatever form that takes this year, then a beta sometime around May, putting it on a roughly 2 year cycle with 6 months per raid tier, and then launch sometime early 2021 fall.

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Retail is to the point of no return and has been since MoP. Retail is eventually going to be what RS3 is now. A small, ailing playerbase kept alive by the ‘oldschool’ version of the game.

how do you figure that?

BWL Classic Release February 12th -> AQ Classic Release July 28th, that’s almost 6 months.

How do you figure 3 months until Naxx?

Sure we can talk about TBC but lets cut back a bit on the hyperbole.

Naxx not releasing before 2021. AQ gates not even open on some realms.

I see people talking about naxx like it’s going to happen this year… There is zero chance of that happening. But to add to this conversation I would love to see some framework and community interaction about TBC rollout soon. Plus talks about achievements and possibly updated graphics since no one should care about “no changes” at this point…

Why are there so many people thinking AQ is only going to last 3 months? Most of the servers haven’t even opened the gates yet, and we had 6 months of MC and 6 months of BWL. With AQ opening both 20/40 versions that gives more content to players in classic than we’ve had since release, there’s no way they’re just going to rush phase 5 into 6 that fast.

open up server transfers to earthfury!

This is where I fall. I do not want to do 1-60 all over again, then start grinding gold all over again, only because they didn’t put server caps in place and people have been able to generate hundreds of thousands of gold a day on each server.

Let’s not even forget - I have Thunderfury. I’ll be using this in BC, too. It’s just that good.

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One thing i don’t want is acheivements and updated graphics. Retail graphics look terrible (outside of water, i’ll admit the water looks good). Character models and animations are absolutely terrible.

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Well that’s like… your opinion, man.