It's time to talk about TBC

Progressive patches would be a big mistake for Classic TBC/WoTLK. Who wants to play against S5 Death Knights with Glyph of Death and Decay or Warlocks in TBC before resilience worked versus DoTs? PvP and arena would be an absolutely disgusting, unbalanced meme if Blizzard goes with progressive patches.

I really hope Blizzard goes with class balance from 2.4.3 in TBC and 3.3.5 in WoTLK, and just doesn’t nerf PvE content or overtunes it to compensate for increase class power. Progressive patching would be one of the worst things Activision could add to TBC/WoTLK.

Progressive patches can also mean simply pre nerf content.

In TBC the classes got more nerfs than buffs and even that wasn’t all that much excluding bear tank Dps being better than cat, but that was just idiotic tuning on Blizzard’s part and had to be nerfed.

The rest of the classes only got stronger with gear, and the gear didn’t get the kinda updates in power that classic did. Some items in tbc got nerfed.

So overall, Blizzard can do pre nerf content with 2.4 classes.

Although I think the spell healing = 30% damage was idiotic, and miffed some things a bit, but that’s something they could do without because it eliminated making choices for the comfort of healers that should be doing things in a group anyway.

This is the correct answer right here. I would say Naxx will be mid January, though. Feb would be a bit too long. There will at least be some pre-naxx preps going on.

If they have constant “new content” for Classic, that will, before too long, mean one of two things.

  1. They wind up right back at BFA, and everyone who’s playing for Classic has quit long before then.
  2. They add “exciting new content” of the caliber their current design team is capable of coming up with, at which point Blizzard is developing two morepigs, and the people who consider Modern garbage raises hand are interested in neither of them.

Think the only thing PvPers should be worried about moving forward is if they’re going to tone batching down to 130ms or not.

I think there is a lot of incentive for Blizzard to stay silent on this until subs fall because of said silence

I’ll see you in the BGs then. Gonna have me a 69 warlock most likely. After I have my 59s finished.

In terms of timing of Naxx, I would expect it to be 2 months after Shadowlands release. Those thinking it will be 3-4 months are not being realistic. They will not want that to conflict with the Shadowlands release.

Yes, some players are pure Classic, but I expect that some players will be interested in checking out Shadowlands for a bit.

I do agree with the OP… I would like to learn/discuss/vote on how they should handle the Classic/TBC transition.

First of all, maybe you should look at the timelines because everything is releasing faster in Classic than it did in Vanilla.

Secondly, Blizzard absolutely has to get input as to what players want to do with their characters. They already had one poll asking about it. I’m simply saying ask more players, starting a dialogue. Blizz can’t afford to have way too many servers or way too few. They need the correct number of transfer servers vs fresh servers…if they go that route. To wait until the last minute is to invite disaster.

I know the timelines have been accelerated, go look at them again.

no tbc. tbc is cancelled. but we get torghast i mean shadowlands

still have to have 4-6 of streamer a;pha/beta

yes let’s relase shadowlands and naxx at the same time good plan you’ve been prmoted to CEO have some money

They do not consider Classic and Retail to be competing with each other. They will very likely release Naxxramas and SL within a month of each other.

I’m inclined to believe that they would rather us be playing retail rather than Classic. With that said, I could see them having a bit of a content lull once Shadowlands comes out to see if they can get some folks to switch over.

BC will be out when Shadowlands bombs.


We don’t even know IF Blizzard will release TBC. Until we get an official announcement, threads like this are meaningless.

I get why that’d be a smart business move, however, most people would probably just unsub during a content drought than play whatever retail is right now. I know i won’t ever play retail again.

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they will most likely wait until naxx hype dies down as well as other game hype before announcing anything about tbc. If they allow us to send stuff from our classic character to our tbc character this will cause gearing to be easier for instance.

Moreover tbc will split people, between the non-retail community there is support for the first 4 expansions classic, tbc, wrath, and cata. We can see this in remastered versions of games and the like. Even knowledge of if we can send items to a new tbc server would have drastic shocks on classic’s economy.

I think thats what people want unfortunately. How many people would be playing classic if things took much longer. God forbid scholo strath pre nerf. People don’t want to spend the time.

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