It's time to talk about TBC PVP

Yah. I forget the details about which rogue builds were best, esp pre and post nerfs. I wonder if double warglaive rogue + priest will be a 2v2 monster. I remember Reckful was rocking warglaives at one point

I played double rogue Disc in 3’s it was super fun. Contrary to the standard play, I actually played Combat / Sub hybrid not the normal one, but the Tank build, so that I could constantly disarm warrior teams and face tank them keeping the snares up, forcing the enemy team to work a lot harder. The other rogue on that team had warglaives, and it worked out really good. 90% avoidance in mostly PVP gear was very strong, but that comp came to an end when they changed the game so you could not swap gear ou tof combat any more.

The ability to change gear when you were not in combat was actually really cool because it made for some really dynamic matches. But the casters complained because of resistance gear stacking. Really it was fair because warlocks were ridiculous.

Yeah sounds pretty nasty. You really can’t go wrong with rogues in arena, with all their cooldowns and the ability to debuff healing they are just built for it. I stopped playing in wotlk but from what I hear rogues continued to dominate in arena all the way through

They are still hella good in retail, difference is they just arent fun to play because it requires zero skill now.

Ah never thought of that. Never used like the wardrobe mods myself

Yeah I remember warlocks were everywhere. Felhunter is just amazing because you actually have a defensive dispel (on a cooldown but still) at your disposal if you micro’d their dispel to a hotkey instead of leaving it on autocast. If a mage didn’t mask poly with other debuffs felhunter could rip it right off a teammate. That and pets in general were super clutch to keep healers in combat who desperately needed to drink

I know in retail it’s all about destro but I don’t recall destro becoming great until wotlk. Warlocks as I remember were some other affliction/demo hybrid if I recall

Only the smol muscled think it’s time to talk about BC. Not until Blizz announces it and how they’ll implement it, otherwise discussion is moot. You could talk about how class balance is bad and then blizz is like ‘but we’re gonna do balancing in this weird way’ and suddenly all that discussion was wasted.

Go work out or something. Wasting your time for now.

The vast majority where SL/SL hybrid build

UA-deep affliction where viable, but basically ONLY in Shadowplay (Shadow priest, UA, Rshaman) and that is one of the scariest comps possible for damage output.

Beyond that, in early seasons Felguard Demo was a thing people did, but I don’t know if it was still viable in later seasons (either via gear scaling, or balance changes in later patches) I remember it mostly being a season 1 thing.

Destro basically didn’t exist in TBC, it barely hits any harder than it currently does. Succubus loses her ability to chain seduce, and not having soul link really hurts vs a bunch of the harder cleave teams possible.

Speaking of cleave teams, don’t forget the triple DPS comps in 3s, which where just frankly fun to play. Shadow RMP was a hell of a lot more fun than normal RMP, for example even if it was no where near as good…

Another personal favorite of mine was Ret/Arms/ Shaman… The shaman in this case can be Resto, or Ele (but healing most of the time). You more or less run in, pop all your cds with bloodlust and pray that RNGesus blesses your swords (or maces)

The meta, as I remember it was mostly hitting your rating goals for one bracket, then playing another bracket the rest of the season to actually earn weekly points. Personally I preferred sticking to 3s/5s as 2s matches where often cancer fest turtles.

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Tons of locks because of season 1and 2 where they were super dominant before the resilience nerf to DoT damage. There were destro locks but super rare.

Mace stun should be removed or fix the proc rate, getting stunlocked by stormherald/mace stun procs was insane. The fact they left it broken for as long as it was made no sense.


No changes.

So yeah I think a major issue is definitely going to be faction balance as a whole. Balanced servers are very important for healthy pvp interactions both in the world and for bg’s. I think in order to draw more players to the alliance #somechanges are gonna have to be made. I’m not entirely sure what that would be but I know that in the past some private servers had basically increased honor gains for the alliance by 50% until a certain ratio of faction balance was reached. I doubt this would be popular with the majority of the player base, but I definitely think being able to gear up an ally pvp toon crazy fast with short queue times and the increased honor gains would do a lot to get people rolling alliance.

Hopefully you rolled on to a PVE server then in classic?

Tbc pvp will be much better than vanilla pvp for one simple reason…the tryhards will be focusing their time in arenas, leaving BGs in the casual (read: predominantly pug vs pug) scene. It will be glorious.


I absolutely cannot wait for resilience gear. One of the best additions to the game honestly in terms of PvP.


Yeah I don’t know, a lot of people complain about resil as a stat but I’ve always thought it was sort of a necessary evil. Without it, pvp is absolutely haywire, about like pvp in classic unsurprisingly. Watched a warrior 100-0 a r10 hunter friend of mine inside of an intercept stun in an AB yesterday. I don’t even think he had reck popped. Tbc without resil/pvp specific gear would basically just be more classic paced pvp.

I never personally understood all the resilience hate either. Maybe people disliked the fact it felt necessary to pvp? Just guessing here

WoTLK Resilience is exponentially better than TBC Resilience.

TBC Resilience weakened crit-based burst specs (yes, that was the point), but did next to nothing for SPriests, non-Destro Warlocks, and Balance/Restro Druids because DoT spells are largely unaffected by Resilience.

WoTLK Resilience reducing all damage from players and reduced bonus damage from critical strikes meant that both crit-based specs and DoT-based specs were affected, but without gimping crit-based specs that relied on crits for procs rather than just burst.

WoTLK Resilience was also not effective for PVE tanking, though this was more of an issue for Feral Druids than Protection Warriors and Paladins. It was a needed change, but the epic-quality TBC PVP gear made excellent “pre-BiS” (if you want to call it that) tanking gear for Feral Druids. PVP gear wasn’t good for feral tanking past Tier-4 (compared to PVE gear), but heroics, Karazhan, Magtheridon and Gruul can be tanked in PVP gear.

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What pvp in TBC?

Oh, you mean arena. It’s going to be just as meta heavy as it was back then- actually, likely even more so now. If drums work in arena and engineering still has value expect mandatory professions to be the norm. And I can’t wait to hear people rage about resilience again, don’t think anything was as hated as that until corruptions.

As for wpvp- won’t exist, all pvp servers will be 99-1 Horde. BGs- will take hours to pop since only pve servers will have balanced pops and much like in Classic they queue far less. World objectives might be fought over on pve servers but on pvp servers don’t expect to ever see them change hands unless collusion alts do it.

Oh- and don’t expect to see them balance racials or class abilities, ever. TBC is not an xpac you want to go into as Alliance for pvp… or even pve really.

inb4 that one guy that follows me around so he can claim there’s no faction balance issues.

well I transferred to one. my pre-launch guild was on a pvp realm.

Yeah arena is definitely included in the topic, and for many is the primary draw in overall tbc pvp. There’s nothing wrong with that. I myself love arenas and I can’t wait to chain queue arenas in any and all brackets. But bg’s are absolutely amazing in tbc and by far generated some of my favorite moments in my entire wow experience.

It’ll be very interesting to see if tbc bg’s are as premade heavy as classic has been. I can’t really see how it’d be possible because there isn’t really the same necessity to premade as much as in classic, but there’s no denying that if you’re trying to gear up competitively and farm up as much honor gear as possible while accumulating arena points to round out your set, the best way to do that will be to form premades.

With regard to professions and min/maxing for pvp, again… there’s no doubt there will be a considerable amount of people that have that approach. But in the grand scheme of things, there will still likely be enough of a population that a healthy percentage of people will not have min/maxing in mind and will just level the professions they want to level and will do absolutely fine for themselves.

I’m pretty certain that drums will not work in arenas, though. I could be wrong on that but I don’t remember them ever having a use in arenas. Guaranteed there will be progression competitive pve guilds that require leatherworking for that though. Different topic entirely.

I also agree with you that expecting racials/class abilities to be tweaked/balanced to help faction balance or for any other purpose is highly unlikely. I’m definitely in support of #somechanges though if it means promoting a healthy alliance population, and although I hate the leveling experience because it seems like such a chore and because I don’t have a ton of time to devote to leveling, I’d reroll alliance if the imbalance was too heavy.

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