It's time to rebuild Silvermoon

I really wish you guys would. I’m tired of ransacking all of the depressing Orc theme cities. I really like Silvermoon.

that warpaint option looks awesome.

Ah, BC.

Lots of spackle and wallpaper over balsa wood frames… both plot and scenery.

But still delightful.

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Meanwhile at the height of mists, pvp servers had people raiding Sunfury spire every couple days

Rebuilding Silvermoon could provide a reuniting with the Kaldorei, since they need a home, they could live in the now dilapidated part of the city. They could also use their Druidic skillz to heal the dread scar, and the Ghostlands for them having not to live upon the streets of Stormwind.

Why would they?

I mean I was on ED because I was fooled into thinking it had passable RP when I made the new account.

So now I just assume the PVP servers were just where they tried to corral off the lunatics and people who think the real challenge in this game is ganking lowbies in Hellfire or in starting zones.

since they need a home

I’ve thought since my first blood elf that Shalandis (the island off the coast from Goldenmist) could be a really cool neutral port hub (still under the aegis of Quel’thalas but, with a more free port vibe) in an updated zone map.

It wouldn’t even be that hard to have this as a Silvermoon subfaction that’s neutral just for a settlement on the island, since the Tranquilien faction is actually neutral during Velf unlock quests (only the forsaken in Tranq are hostile, I guess it helps that you’re literally accompanied by someone who is a big deal hero to the belves)

That’s what I assumed. There’s a lot of ?PvP sensations" that can’t seem to do rated PvP, but always are around graveyards, quest hubs, rares, and flightmasters to gank bang 5 v 1 to show off their “skillz.”

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The entire reason Quel’thalas exists is because we are exiles from Kaldorei lands. And, in our time of need, did they send aid? No, they sent spies, saboteurs and assassins.

I’d rather cede Ghostlands to Illidari Satyr sects (if anyone knows how to optimise accursed forests, it’s Satyrs) than allow Night Elves anywhere inside our borders. Allowing the Silver Covenant to help with Zul’Aman was a one time deal, not a precedent.


BfA and the novels surrounding it were bad fanfic, this is cringe. (Stuff like this is why I’m happy Golden wasn’t allowed to mess with Reforged)

The nelf expedition happened when Fandral was in power and the split between Dath’remar and Malfurion was never presented as anything but a tragedy of two strong personalities outside of that one stupid novel.

Kael’thas was fine with Tyrande.

Besides Quel’thalas needs druidic help to regrow its own mother tree. Imagine belf druids, beautiful new forms. Elves can multitask and hate both orcs AND humans at the same time.

But the Sin’dorei are better than Kaldorei, and this would prove this fact that we can still help out fellow elves despite their shortcomings.

top notch, lol

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The trick is:

The shal’dorei leadership get the neutral but-friendly-with-both-sides groups like Moon Guard and Farondin to send the offer and smooth things over
Refugees are offered a place on Shalandis
Boom, no need to remove nelf assets on the island, just add some belf/shelf architectural assets to make it a mixed town and a dragonhawk flight station

They can even include an awkward double date with Lor’themar, Thalyssra, Tyrande and Malfurion

Kael was fine with Tyrande back in WCIII but Tyrande wasn’t fine with me during the Nighthold raid unlock.

I’m not against the apparent fued that was built up being resolved but am against Alliance races having any neutral area in any part of Silvermoon.

There are other neutral areas in the game. That’s good enough.

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Doesn’t she mostly have a bizarre “my king is dead” line on horde, it felt so forced.

Every king of Stormwind is destined to be Poochie. I want a mentality of “here today, gone in a blink”, not “wow we have an all consuming dedication to people who live and die within the span of an elven childhood”

Also by Shalandis I mean the island where the nelf expedition is based in Ghostlands - it’s hostile anyway so making it a pseudo-neutral stop on the way to Zul’Aman doesn’t exactly take away things. Fair though, as far as I care at the very least it’s a good spot to put a small village hub.

I forget her exact lines, but she doesn’t trust us nor Lady Liadrin. And anytime I speak to her she gets mad, lol.

They can’t do that to Shalandis because there are quests there. Unless they would pull yet another bronze dragon and that’s tiring enough as it is. There’s already too much of that in the world.

The Nelves don’t need to live near us to be friendly.

I don’t seem to recall it being that angry but true, there’s a lack of trust.

OTOH I feel like with Elisande’s spies actively trying to sow discord in the elven ranks that’s narratively explainable (and Liadrin and Tyrande are both headstrong warrior ladies,it’s kinda… idk the whole mess with Dath’remar and Malfurion but not with two magicians this time).

FWIW I think if there should be a neutral elf zone in a world where they do bronze flight updates, it would be in the broken isles anyway. But they almost never touch up expac zones (I do think Legion changes a couple places in Pandaria and Northrend?)

The best thing to do if they ever wanted some Belves to take up Druidic magic is lore where they grow another tree in Eversong. There was a mother tree where Deathholme sits named Thas’alah. They could have Belves get back in touch with nature. But keep the aspect that they manipulate nature to their will. I don’t think Nelves would want any part in that. But it’d be true to Belves and how they’ve obtained power.

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hey just curious because I remember hearing about this too, do you recall any specifics or the sources of this info? I just recently remembered this and wanted to try and look through the examples of their art and such (and if it actually was true or just some rumour) and for the life of me I can’t actually find when/where I heard about this…

Ewww…manual labor? Isn’t that what we have Orcs for?

In all seriousness though, and probably unlikely, but if there was ever a time that Eversong could get redone…flying added, etc., a story centering on Sylvanas seems opportune. It was the death of Varyian that resulted in a big revamp in Stormwind, so I would never say never.