Its time to nerf BM hunters in PvE

I come to interrupt your daily “nerf DH” post. BM hunters are too good at mythic+, raids and visions. I remember back in the day when someone said BM hunters can’t be top DPS because they have full mobility. BM hunters are topping meters in raids when being 100% mobile. BM hunters can jump all raid long and top the meters. Other classes need to plan for movement and they get penalized if they mess up. BM has top tier sustained AOE, single target, cleave.


BM isn’t 100% mobile because of pet target switching.

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Seems kind of silly to care about vision balance, no?

But hey, anything that gets the attention away from DHs, I’m all for it.


Wrong - good players that happen to play BM hunters are playing their classes well.

People like you always seem to think it is the “class”, never giving ANY credit to the actual player. The PLAYER has more to do with the success than the class does.

I used to own a LAN gaming center in the early part of 2000. We used to play a lot of Quake 3/Quake Arena. I had these 2 kids that used to just dominate pretty much every single person that played in the store. They were on the same computers, same mouses, same everything as everybody else - they were just BETTER players…PERIOD.


So from what i can see, the skill cap is there’s one button you can press every 8 seconds, kill command. You have a 40 focus shot you can fire once every four seconds that reduces the cool down of kill command by one second. You have no mobility cost AND a 40 yard range to 30 yard range of other casters. Your drawbacks are the normal 24 second 30 yrd range interrupt cd for ranged, and then three longer cd abilities from 15 to two minutes and traps that need to be manually placed but work on anything without type limit and can infinitely infinite ignore corruption by kiting or trapping the things and you have a forty yard range to go lol eyeball.

The aoe rotation looks like this, you press one button, and your pets kill commands now auto cleaves And you repeat your single target rotation, maybe with the multi shot instead of the filler shot.

And also a baseline stun and air stealth detection v1 via flare and no repair bills/target canceling via feign death.

It plays rotational a lot like the dh felblade imo. One main 8 second cd and abilities/procs to get it sooner.

There’s some more junk padding on the bars but unless you count 6 buttons for summon rabbit, summon dog, summon cat hard i don’t see why this is supposed to be ‘hard’

BM hunters and fire mages are way too strong right now

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Why do people insist on screaming for nerfs of other classes??
Rather, just ask to buff the things about your own class that aren’t working well.


It’s fun as it is right now imo haven’t had so much fun playing BM in a long time.
No nerfs please!


Err idk, fire mages are better than bm hunters.

But I wouldnt call either of them op.

So no nerfs.

Those 7s ain’t gonna fall themselves! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yet I still see people failing to keep their buff up at for good DPS and drop to 30% parses.

I can’t help but laugh. BM… and hunters in general have been terrible all expansion. Finally doing alright and people want them nerfed already.

BM isn’t getting mad invites to M+. They are good, but I’d still take rogue, dh, ww, firemage, boomi, and probably ret depending on the dungeon.

Please tell me what is ‘hard’ these days. I’ll wait.

Instead of nerfing BM maybe they will just make it so boring that nobody would want to play it anyway. Oh wait…

Playing arcane as a ‘skillful’ class with a straight face :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Yeah it’s kinda annoying how a players skills gets discredited because of the spec they play.

The difference between specs is like an experienced ultimate frisbee player catching a frisbee with either one hand or two hands.

Sure it’s easier to catch with two hands. But you can still do both easily and really doesnt matter.

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Let’s see:

Are BM hunters top tier in every aspect of the game? No.
Are BM hunters pasively borderline immortal? No.
Are BM hunters skipping mechanics with bizarre dodge/invulnerability frames? No.
Are BM hunters able to skip terrain obstacles no other class can? No.

I agree with the premise of this thread, nerf demon hunter.

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P.S. Stop calling for nerfs on other classes

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Wow, I thought I would never see the day for the call for BM nerfs.