It's time to gut BGB maps

Ya sorry I don’t agree with you completely. I agree there are maps with issues (DWG, EotS etc) but deleting them isn’t the answer. Especially in favor of FC maps because I know a lot of people who are not fond of FC maps as well.

Ya sorry having disagreements happen, I often think some of the solutions given to fix certain things are rather extreme and not well thought out. They tend to be “I am frustrated with x,y,z please delete them” kind of solutions. BG modes are meant to be objective based. BGs have been ignored for so long players are having to re-adjusted to playing a objective based mode instead of the death match style of arena that for song long seemed that the only thing Blizzard focused on.

Yes at no. Learning even happens in RBGs. I used to run and help run learning RBG groups. But BGB while an alternative maybe it’s not the same mode. At least with RSS the goal is the same as a 3v3 match. But either way learning is going to happen in BGB whether you like it or not. Learning happens in all modes. It’s just more apparent and affects you more in a solo queue mode.

Again the drop off in players seems to be across all mode, hence posts like this: PvP Feels Neglected from the Top Down in the arena forums. And PvP seems to have been seeing drop offs for a while overall compared to the past.