It's time to change the Resto Druid Mastery

That’s what I was trying to get at.

Seriously Improved Rejuvenation, shouldn’t be in the Class Tree at all just make it baseline.

But I agree, a lot needs to be condensed, rather then spread out in drips and drabs, but I’d love to talent into HoT extensions for dungeons/keys would be insane QoL having few extra seconds, but alas it’s really not possible with the current trees.

You essentially give up way to much.

Tried R Druid back in BFA and this exact scenario is what turned me off of it. Never really bothered to try it again since

You’re keeping people alive?! From someone also picking up retro for the first time.

I remember from before our mastery functioned as it does now thinking to myself “our mastery should just increase healing based on how many hots we have on target. Having to activate mastery with regrowth is dumb.”

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well, dont forget to put lifebloom on the tank. Half these tanks are crapping their pants right now with amount of dmg they are taking. If you arent keeping them up, they will run around like crazy trying to kite and move everyone out of your efflo.

Honestly the current mastery works well in the healing climate that existed when it was changed. Healing a couple expansions ago was far less spiky, so being able to dial-a-mastery level based on the upcoming damage was quite valuable. The problem is in a world where every shot deals 40% of the party’s health and the healer has to use some major part of their kit in every damage event to keep the group alive, druid always has to have full HoTs rolling just to have enough throughput.

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Regenesis- rejuvenation’s healing is increased by upto 15/30% based on health and its duration is increased by 5/10 seconds.

One reworked talent that affects the duration and brings it up to 22 seconds without any convoluted conditionals, gives us a longform mastery stack, is in the middle of the tree where points are more flexible, and makes regenesis viable since the tranq increase is useless with how undertuned tranq is.
Then slap some other rejuv related passives on the talents that had the tiny rejuv duration extensions so we can still have a rejuv build. Germination can reduce the mana cost of the second rejuv, nuturing dormancy can store rejuvs healing in full health targets, improved rejuv can just die and be replaced by something useful like a magic DR or some leech.

What I’ve been struggling with is when the tank is taking a ton of damage, as tends to happen, then a dps starts to get their health bar chunked down. Right now it’s hard for me to push both health bars back up. Sometimes it’s just like the dps dies in slow motion, like I see it’s happening, but the one or two spells I had time to cast on them didn’t do it, the I have to go back to keeping the tank alive and the dps dies.

What are you doing when this happens? A heroic dungeon?

Can i see your druids gear?

Just press treant 3 times and the whole party stays alive while you restart your computer.

yes heroic dungeons, are you trying to catweave whilst learning mechanics? Go keeper and see the difference. Most people are dumb or under geared right now, even that first pull on meadery can be survived if the tank plays smart and people stand in efflo.


try this, you can drop trees almost every pull. Also you still have to keep healing till people are topped up, if you hold on to reforestation stacks, its even easier.

I thought the same way after cata. But that was when we had 3 hots. with the talents trees having so many little hots that you can addon, the kit can ramp up to 5 or 6 as the potential to interact with the compounding mastery bonus.

This in turn requires the rest of the spells to have to be at a baseline undertuned because of the potential you can reach with stacking all these hots.

My opinion is to nerf masteries interaction and put some of the power back into the baseline spells so if you choose to not stack with mastery you are not put at such a severe disadvantage. Its gotten too strong in party content and gatekeeps other builds within the spec.

Or come up with something new and breath new life into the spec.

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My treants must be on strike, cause I swear even with all 3 up, they do nothing.

People need to stop trying to be gogo tryhard healer dps, especially with the removal of moonkin form. Its just not worth it at current gear level. People are standing in so much crap and not interrupting that I barely have time to spam starfire or wrath until like 2 mobs are left.

Treants dont really dont give much anymore on their own; its the +70% or more rejuv/efflo/lifebloom buff you get from them and incarn thats doing most of the work.

Full incarn rolling and thriving rejuv is like 50% of my heals during large aoe and you can actually watch the healthbars tick up nice and fast like the old days.

I’ve had better luck with convoke and the 3 swiftmend incarn. I’ve never liked incarn gameplay.

Convoke is still viable but no matter what having all 3 treant out for the % spellpower buff is gonna be the best bet for handling any large burst damage convoke or incarn with keeper.
It just works really well with incarn cause you get the 4th treant for even more healing and i notice damage tends to keep going longer then just reforestation incarn lasts.

Or it did, now that everyones over geared for heroic i dont really use either for anything but damage.

I just feel incarn should do something when cast, like but lifebloom on everyone, or maybe even pop extra treats. The fact its basically just an oh spam regrowth - is meh to me.

Its a ramp tool, it technically buffs all your rolling rejuvs by 30% as soon as you hit it since we dont snapshot anymore but if they moved the treant spawn to the start it would feel a little better. I prefer convoke for keys but raw numbers ive just found incarn to be better and in cooldowns are pretty close with the extra treants.

On the other hand i dont think i ever really hit regrowth in incarn now besides soul as soul fodder.
Its all rejuv and wildgrowth now since regrowth doesnt get any real buffs from incarn besides the flat 10% healing increase, rhe instant cast is nice but with thriving rejuv is instant and hits about as hard and costs less.

Bingo. I am glad other Druids understand how poor our heals are baseline BECAUSE of the nature of our Mastery. The layering of hots to make them effective is very much limiting design space.

The same concept applies to the other Druid forms. For example, Bear form baseline defenses have been stripped unless you talent into Iron Fur and all the other %hp increases from talents. Moonkin spells are gated behind Eclipse and a plethora of %dmg procs. Resto spells (such as Rejuvi and Regrowth) are so weak, that the other specs require aura buffs, talents and the like to prop them up to even be considered usable.

They need to address this.

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You know, when cata was released all those years ago, quite alot of folks did not like the enforced hard casting for resto.

Its been a long time since, what else is as emblematic as more hots for resto?

Moonkin has never had a stable system. Its always fluffing about here to there. But its at least got lots of moon, in the moonkin.

Bear is still on armour and fat arses.

Cat still has the melee dot spec and now a not “I’m a much worse affliction lock” problem.
Scratch scratch bleed bleed bite bite.

its all about themes. its been all about themes for a reel long time. I doubt its gonna change much.

I don’t remember the ‘hard-casting’ playstyle of Resto during Cataclysm. Can you elaborate?

The only time I remember Resto Druid hard-casting was back in Vanilla, casting R4 Healing Touch. Regardless, I do agree that Resto Druid should be a hot-based healer. That has always been its identity. The nature of hots allows Druids to shapeshift ( or it used to).

This is why the Resto Druid mastery is awful. You “waste” so many GCDS applying a bunch of random tiny hots in order to boost your healing output. It is a standard case of quantity vs quality. I’d rather have 2-3 strong hots than 10 tiny ones that MUST be present on the target for full effectiveness.

Sadly, every healer has strong hots now, it isn’t a particularly strong suit of the Druid class. However, Druid seems to be the only one that requires 6 hots on the target in order for Rejuvi to do much of anything.

This should change.

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