It's time to bring down the nerf onto Soul Warding

The current healing meta is overwhelmingly in favor of priests Soul Warding / PWShield spam. And every other healer in the game is forced to be irrelevant just by the logic of: Shields/Absorb > Actual Healing.

There are dozen of threads each phase since the rune had been introduced and Blizzard + Devs have been consistently ignoring this glaring/obvious issue for no good reason and every healer not being priest is suffering from their fun as a healer. Those healers are irrelevant.

Start doing changes to the Soul Warding Rune if you wish your healers to actually healing and not dropping from your roster or rerolling hard to DPS.
This is straightup toxic.

They finally nerfed it, but they should have given it a cooldown instead of a % based reduction. It will still be spammed and abused. I like that the devs showed they knew it was a problem, but they need to adjust the nerf to a 3 second cooldown to avoid it being spammed.

Joke of a nerf, doesn’t change much. Priests still spam bubble.

Agreed it needs to be a cooldown plain and simple. Im hoping the devs can realize this. Im fine with them going back to having it with 15% power like before, just a 3 second cooldown. Priests still have a strong toolkit even with the cd, this will just force them to have to use more than 1 ability.

It’s funny because paladin’s absorb spell got nerfed into the ground after literally 1 lockout, meanwhile bubble spam has been going on for 3 entire phases

absolute clown devs