It's time to bring back MAGE TOWER APPEARANCES!

And where is it? You can only access it for a week every four months.
Simply not good enough - and the rewards are recolors with the felbear looking out of place like nothing else in this game.

If we want to sound street-smart here, then the developers chose to go the “wow classic approach” with goofy designs.

Perhaps they do not understand in their “stubbornness” that this is a digital game service game and not a MMO anymore?

It’s a wink to Hazikostas latest interview.

You answered your own question. No it’s not the original MT, it’s timewalking. It was up for 2 weeks already, did you participate?

Sure it is. Gearing for this one is crazy easy, you should be ready to finish it the next time it comes around.

It was nice of them to give some tier sets to tide people over while we wait for the new raid. They were never going to give the old weapon mogs, that was made clear. New MT, new rewards. What would you rather have?

lol WoW is no longer a massively multiplayer online game? :crazy_face:

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as someone who deeply regrets missing out on the BrM monk weapon appearance… no.

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Yes because taking stuff away is the same as letting more people have what they want.


Blizzard already made that ridiculous Blue post. I simply don’t see them changing their mind about this issue, unless they bring back other things first, and the players start to get used to it.

Sounds like a masochistic way of thinking.