It's time to add solo queue Mythic+

A warning, if PVP is any example, this may actually make the queues worse if it splits between group finder and solo queue.

Also, due to the dungeon design comps can matter depending on dungeon level. If this was an entry level only solo queue like heroic dungeons I can see this working and not damaging queue time, but for higher keys? Would probably be long queues and disastrous if you get a bad comp, unless devs balance mythic plus dungeons with solo queue in mind.

I don’t expect they are, the backlash to even the notion of it has been fierce and doing so is a such a fundamental change to the content to the detriment of the audience that enjoys it.

I hear you. I just also hear the outcry constantly of how poorly this expansion’s take on mythic plus has been. You read nothing but complaints, and engagement is very low.

I would watch a solo queue mythic+ group, the comedy would be legendary, and I’m a supporter of queue content. Even I know it would be a major catastrophe. The ONLY way it would work and be used consistently, is that if rewards are given on how many deaths are incurred during the run, lol.

Addendum: …I just realized that would be an amazing gold sink, lol. Even if they suicide as many deaths as they can the repair costs would drain the gold supply if the players want the gear from such a system, rofl.

I genuinely beg to differ. If season 2 doesn’t look up for the mythic + season, I think there’s room to made big changes to the system from the team. If they’re talking about it, they’re thinking about it.

I love this season m+ i also think most the complaints are due to the difficulty changes. When it was 2-20s lower skilled players coukd comfortably do 7-10s. But now they struggle on 2s and 3s

if you read these forums or you watch youtube vids you would think so. I def experience some of the problems that are complained about at times, but no where near as much as you would think. my recommendation would be to try it out for yourself and be the judge. the reality is its probably in the middle somewhere

So because blizzard set a group that is fated to fail off the start, I’d be locked out of it all?

Fair. The psychology behind feeling like you are worse than last expansion is probably a huge contributor to the dissatisfaction.

Then they’re going to kill the content for the sake of an audience that doesn’t want to engage with it. Which is the result of adding queues as well. You attract an audience who don’t want to partake in activities where their time can and will often result in no value gained, and the content gets neutered as a result. See Cata Heroics, see Warfronts.

I think a solo queue is fine for M0 but not for M+. People have low expectations for queueable content. And are more likely to be toxic to others because it’s more random. Then you have the 30 minute debuff if you get kicked and if we think the complaints about it are bad now, it will get much much worse. Because more players are impacted.

I mean. Like I said, LFG groups would still exist presumably lol. If you don’t want to solo queue, don’t? What is the issue?

Play LFG like you have been then?


As long as there is ZERO change to mechanics or mob hp damage or density.

And as long as we can still form our own parties for it too.

It would be fine for low keys I think because a good tank can pretty much compensate for poor DPS and heals and tank satchels would be plentiful.

No one would take away the ability to form LFG groups. That would make zero sense. Not worth talking about it with people here that keep bringing this up like that’s what I’m asking for.

If people fear that more people would engage with solo queue, causing LFG numbers to plumet, maybe there’s a reason for that?

No not at all, have it like an MMR system like solo shuffle. you get qued with people 75 io above and below you. make solo M+ have its own rating so people buying carries cant glitch the system.

the issue i would have tho is, what about lust? Brez? class stacking? what if u get a priest a boomkin mage and warlock? you have literally no short CD interupt apart from tank

You attract a different audience, one with different wants and expectations regarding what they get out of their time investment in the game, and changes start to be made to the content due to its changing audience.

If solo queue m+ came with an iron clad promise that, somehow by magic, feedback and metrics from those using the solo queue feature was completely ignored then I could see it existing. But it’d die within a week because nobody who could succeed in regular m+ would be using it.

I’m trying to genuinely engage with your concerns, and I hear you, but you’re pretty much speculating here. I understand the fears behind your words. I’m just saying, you have to try new things or else the game remains the same. We are finally getting player housing after 20 years. The game hardly attracts new players, and it needs to do that. Catering to the small number at the top that like things the way they are all the time isn’t a good business model. Sharing is caring.

Yeah so me just mentioning that isn’t the same as me claiming that you want it erased. Not sure why you feel like those two ideas are identical. They’re not.

Again, fully in support of a random q system for m+. That’s fine with me.

If 5 randoms can do 10 key now, awesome.

Right now though you can sort of so that by making a key group and inviting the first tank heals and DPS who apply. Maybe even add a note “random selections!” And start a trend.

Ive done that for low keys with some success when I get tired of applying and just want to see some dungeon action.

You dont need a meta spec to clear 10s.

Anything past 10 quite literally doesnt matter.

I was using what you said as a springboard to reply to people at large here. Not putting words in your mouth specifically. Didn’t mean to make it sound like that!