The main difference between ranked PvP and M+ queues is that ranked PvP guarantees a winner. M+ is a static challenge that a lot of groups that are randomly formed will simply fail.
You can’t brick a solo-shuffle match, someone is guaranteed to win it, but you sure as hell can brick a key because no DPS in your group know how to do mechanics.
I think that’s ok and still wouldn’t mind a randomized m+ queue, although there would be a lot of questions on how the actual key and key level get selected.
I don’t think a feature where you’re getting nothing, not even a completed key for your vault progress, a large amount of the time would be particularly popular and that’s even before you figure out stuff like how to make it actually work.
“oh that tank class is bad (or perceived to be bad, in general or for M+)” people leave group
“oh that healer class is bad (or perceived to be bad, in general or for M+)” people leave group
“oh that dps class or classes and/or specs are bad (or perceived to be bad, in general or for M+)” people leave group
"oh, there is a player or players from (insert realm name). I dont play with people from (insert realm name) because (insert reason(s)) people leave group
does my group have heroism? Nope people leave group
does my group have battle rez? Nope people leave group
is my group melee heavy on a bad melee affix week? If yes, people leave group
is my group caster/ranged heavy on a bad caster/ranged affix week? If yes, people leave group
can my group remove curses? If no people leave group
can my group remove diseases? If no people leave group
can my group remove poisons? If no people leave group
Half of these are pretty valid reasons too. Like doing the dispel week when your DPS comp is something like Warlock, Demon Hunter, Ret Paladin (cause ret paladins NEVER use their damn cleanse) seems pretty miserable tbh.
Not really different than pushing high keys. I still think it could be a pretty cool game mode. Group comp doesn’t matter nearly as much as people think it does until you start getting a very high IO.
And the reward system can easily be tweaked to make it more accommodating. Instead of completing 8 dungeons, they can move to a mob kill % system, which would benefit players at across the board. People struggling to do 10s will have more reason to try them, and people pushing way higher than that will have their time freed up by not needing to do compulsory lower keys.
High keys success is built ENTIRELY on being ultra-picky with who you invite. The fastest way to brick a key is to just take whoever, which is what a LFG M+ system would essentially be.
At that point you’re not doing M+, you’ve just invented a completely separate game mode.
Eh, I mean some of my most memorable runs have been with completely off-meta and lower io players.
Also it’s not a totally different game mode lol. It’s a suggestion that maybe the weekly reward shouldn’t be tied to completion, but participation in general.
I feel like we’re going to have vastly different definitions of what “lower quality players” would mean in the context of M+. You’re not going to get the “could push 4/8M if they put the effort in” players, you’re going to get “does LFR level damage and mechanics, but has 630ilvl” players in LFG M+.
M+ is already by far the easiest vault to fill up at the highest level of rewards. If it needs to be made easier because success rate of LFG M+ would be extremely low, it’s probably not a great idea
i would like this. no more carrying guildies or pugs to victory. i can then focus on myself. as someone that can blaze a m+10 with my guildies and then blaze a delve+11 solo with the same amount of time and effort i fail to see why a m+10 will give mythic vault rewards and not a delve+11.
ouh oh but nuwala a M+10 IS harder
um, no its not. i ran both. a m+10 takes the same amount of time and effort as a delve+11 and if you think otherwise then you just bad at m+.
I think and sort of hope that high level delves can eventually be a source of myth track loot, but have a lot of balancing concerns, and it probably needs another iteration or two of tweaks to figure that out.
Fundamentally it makes sense that a decently balanced and comparable in difficult delve should give myth loot, but remembering the early days of delves… It took a lot of tweaking to make it fair for different group classes and sizes.
yea i think that would be my only concern for blizzard. not so much to add mythic track to which +number but to make sure each class can handle each pull and mechanic within the delves.
i mean i already think that is why we came into tww with the tank and healer overhaul, aka making them weaker sotospeak, so that they werent facerolling delves, and then that leaked into m+ where nobody wants to tank or heal anymore.
There are technical issues you would need to work out first. As a mythic+ instance is based upon a key stone, you would need to have at least one player volunteer to put their keystone up at risk. Then you need to work out how the system should only invite qualified players into a group.
That doesn’t even cover wanting classes with certain buff or getting not getting certain meta classes. It would be fun to watch but I expect all that would come from it would be a pile of downgraded keys and a forum full of crying over it.
Theres no reason to have a que for m+. Use the group finder. Cant get into groups? Maybe there is a reason for that. Start your own group. Dont want to? I hear classic has lots of boars to kill